Feeling destroyed

This above- so right! Xxx

Thank you everyone. Truly.

It's playing on my mind, BUT, tonight I had a "break" from it as I've been teaching my students in preparation for their concert on Sunday.

Never underestimate the power of music, or the support from the Lovehoney forum! Thanks people, love to all. Xx

Hi Latex Lover,

Im really sorry to hear that you had to experience this, people can be so cruel and just dont think how what they say and do can hurt others. Unfortunately the thought process in some youngsters doesn't start untill they reach the age of 40!

Just remeber though - You are and always will be a better person than the two moronc idiots ever will

I am also a couple of stone over weight but as for the BMI guide they can go and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

People don't need to be judged by their size or weight, magazines and social media are responsible for that, thankfully there are now plus sized and slim female models, maybe some time they will realise that not all men are slim and well muscled and we may get some male plus sized models

LL there is nothing wrong with wearing baggy t shirts, I wear them as well

Be strong![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Mr Cheeky Monkey wrote:

Hi Latex Lover,

Im really sorry to hear that you had to experience this, people can be so cruel and just dont think how what they say and do can hurt others. Unfortunately the thought process in some youngsters doesn't start untill they reach the age of 40!

Just remeber though - You are and always will be a better person than the two moronc idiots ever will

I am also a couple of stone over weight but as for the BMI guide they can go and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

People don't need to be judged by their size or weight, magazines and social media are responsible for that, thankfully there are now plus sized and slim female models, maybe some time they will realise that not all men are slim and well muscled and we may get some male plus sized models

LL there is nothing wrong with wearing baggy t shirts, I wear them as well

Be strong

They may get to 40 and still never grow up! I've had a good evening and I'm trying to use that to move forward and not let these idiots get to me. The baggy shirts have worked wonders tonight!

I hear you and I have experienced the same. Sometimes it just all stacks up. Today was one of those days for me.

I tell myself It will pass.

I’m exactly where you are right now again, literally had my gran tearing me apart about my weight knowing I’m already self conscious. I’m front of family too, I now feel fat, hideous and completely humiliated, reading over my own advice and feel like a fool xx

SoontobeMrs wrote:

I’m exactly where you are right now again, literally had my gran tearing me apart about my weight knowing I’m already self conscious. I’m front of family too, I now feel fat, hideous and completely humiliated, reading over my own advice and feel like a fool xx

Don't feel a fool. It really helped me and is by no means foolish advice. I'm sorry that your gran has been like this, and although she's probably only trying to help in her mind, she's doing the opposite. As you know, I'm well aware as to how you feel but you're about to marry a man who clearly worships the ground you walk on and loves you JUST the way you are... Hugs xx

I fairness I don’t know why I still keep going to see her as it’s always the same- she pulls me to shreds in front of people then belittles me for getting upset. Today was saying that I’m never going to fit in my wedding dress because I’m so huge and I need to lose more weight than I’ve ever done before if I want to look nice. (I’ve already lost 6st so that one hurt) I’m just fed up, it cut deep and I’m so angry with myself for letting it upset me xx

It might be an idea to challenge her when she upsets you like this? I know from how I felt from those boys that being able to challenge it might help you to get a resolve?

Well done on losing the 6stones and what does it matter how you look? At the end of the day, you've achieved so much by losing all that weight and you feel good in yourself... Don't let her get you down. I'm sure your hubby to be is supportive too.

I’ve tried that- get “the truth hurts” in response, today is a new day though! I’m not going to waste anymore tears, brave face on 😊 well that’s it, I’ve worked so so hard and I’m not going to have anyone take that away from me, I’m on a journey to being healthier- regardless of what the scales might say xx

SoontobeMrs wrote:

I’m exactly where you are right now again, literally had my gran tearing me apart about my weight knowing I’m already self conscious. I’m front of family too, I now feel fat, hideous and completely humiliated, reading over my own advice and feel like a fool xx

My Gran once grabbed my bum then commented on how nice it was, slapped me on the stomach and told me I was getting tubby. I think people can just loose their filters as they become elderly and they tend to hide things that that think would worry you. Although it was really embarrassing at the time, I’d give anything to see her again, even if she was going to comment on my bum again...

Maybe if she does it again stop and challenge her, she probably still sees the little girl with ice cream on her face and sand in her socks not the woman you have become...Do it gently, tell her it hurt...

Looking at your photo I can confirm you have all the right curves in all the right places SoontobeMrs X

Aww thank you, it just stung- seems to be every time I see her lately she pulls me to shreds and I can’t seem to do right for wrong in her eyes- is understand if she did it to others but it just seems to be me she focuses her aggression on. Led to a night of tlc from OH though, he’s lovely when I’m upset bless him. You’re all amazing, really have put a smile on my face xx

Its amazing to see so much love and support here!

I can imagine how Soontobe felt when her gran was commenting on her weight. I felt quite literally destroyed. I feel really bloated and big today and haven't eaten all day because of it.

The love and support on here has been so comforting!

I tend to do the same when I’m feeling big latexlover, my fiancé worries more then though so I’ve started tracking what I eat on a low day- I keep calories minimal but make sure I’ve hit 1200 Xx

Body shaming in any form is not funny.

I am a very self conscious about my weight and it is one of the things that causes me anxiety and depression.

The best advise I ever received and I am altering it a bit here, is:

You can always lose weight if you want, they will always be knobheads (or any other suitable word).

If you want to lose weight then it should be for you and no-one else.

Mac you couldn’t have said it any better if you’d tried, that’s my general mindset just hurts when it’s someone I care about saying it! Fact is I do need to drop a dress size for my wedding but I have until next June so it’s really not so big an issue! Either way my curves are actually where I’d want them to be so I don’t mind if my ass is big and my thighs are chunky- that’s exactly how I like them 😂

Mrs, you don't NEED to drop a dress size, if you're happy with how you look. I've had two weddings, my first I lost weight, grew my hair went full princess. Not me, not my style and I really regretted not being me (not even the dress, i loved the dress but everything else!).
Second time I went as me. I was so confident, and comfortable, I look at the pictures and I don't think oh I wish I'd dieted but I think that was the best day ever! My husband laughed when I had my first make up trial, and said if I'd gone on the day done up how others wanted me too he'd have looked back at the pictures and wondered why,he wants to see his wife the woman he loves in those pictures/memories not some one in costume almost!
I am eating healthier now and losing weight because of it, because I want my kids to see a healthy mummy not on striving to be "thin/perfect".
I'm not very good at getting what I mean across 😳

Don't care what any e else thinks. There will be someone to love you for you and thats what matters. You think a couple of idiots on bikes matter? They definitely dont

I agree with Foxiiuk - if you're happy with your size, that's all that matters. Doesn't matter what others think.

Boomplus - you are right in regards to the fact that two idiots on bikes don't matter. No, I suppose they don't, but it did "flatten" me and plays on my mind as much as I try not to let it. I do try and push that to the side and after a good day today, a friend has helped me see that. She's pointed out all the qualities she sees in me and how someone else will eventually see those.

I think the comment destroyed me as it was so out of the blue. No reason what so ever.