Finding the a-spot

So, I’ve found my g-spot. Now to find my a-spot. I know it’s further back than the g-spot.

Has anyone explored this? How do you know when you’ve found it? :thinking:


:drooling_face: I need to know about this alleged “spot” and where and how I can help find one!


Yes. Love A-spot orgasms. 100% worth the effort.
You can use Any long toy, finding it with your fingers is also possible if you have long enough fingers.
There is also an A spot rabbit in the shop that i like very much.

Its on the front side of the vaginal wall, like the g spot just further back. Its slightly softer than the surrounding tissue, but isnt textured like the g spot is so its a tad trickier to find.


The A is just before the B! :upside_down_face:

I read about the A spot a while back, apparently it lies 2" above the G spot.

It was argued as to weather it actually exists but after surveys it was found that women have experienced it although not all experienced an Orgasm through stimulation, it is apparently a bit hit and miss.

It is also noted that only Women have an A spot.

So, i definitely reached past my g-spot but then just felt like i was hitting my cervix so, where am i going wrong? :pensive:

Women win :trophy:

@Cali_Nyx Men have one. It’s a dark spot that starts with an “A”. lol

Just found the website that I had previously read, this is a quote from the website…

"Find the G-pot To do this, gently insert your pointer finger one or two inches inside your vagina and then curl your finger upward toward your belly button.

If you feel a walnut-sized patch of spongy tissue, that’s the G-spot. From here, push up inside your vagina another two or so inches"

It then goes onto say you should start notice an increased feeling of pressure or sensitivity, that if you do not your fingers are not long enough and a toy may help.

Im going on an A spot hunt tonight.

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Never heard of an A spot!! Do tell us more about this?! :sweat_smile:

Found my g. Looking for my a :smiley:

Women and directions pff! :rofl: :rofl: Keep going up for another 2"


Ok. For me, i actually found my a spot long before i found my g spot (i got lost :woman_shrugging: it happens).
It helps if your properly warmed up and turned on as it makes it more sensitive.
Put your middle finger on your g spot then run it back along the front of your vaginal wall. Doing it in small circles (like your spreading moisturiser) can help too. At some point you will (hopefully) hit a more sensitive spot in the wall that slightly softer texture to the surrounding tissue (for me, its about the size of a finger tip). Its smooth though, so can be tricky to find.
I personally find it tricky to reach and really have to stretch to get it (and i have long fingers).
Trying it with a vibe or long solid toy can be a good place to start if you cant reach it with fingers (or roping in a partner can work too).

The A spot isnt the only thing up there either. Theres quite a few sensitive places and everyone is different. Also Apparently (besides other things) you can have cervix orgasms. Ive never tried it but one of the bloggers i read is really into them


calls Mr Cali Nyx


Its not textured like the g spot, so concentrating on what feels good when touching things is your best bet. It is slightly softer and will indent a little when pressed on, but otherwise is very much like the rest of the lining in there
(Humans really should come with instruction manuals)

If I was a woman I don’t think I would ever leave the house! You gals have more “Points of Interest” than a highway… good lord…

I thought that if I had breasts I would be happy…I think I now want a vagina too. I know it comes with it’s own issues, however, I would solidly trade you gals for at least a few weeks simply to explore…

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Is it just before the cervix? :face_with_monocle:

I’m gonna see if i can find my a spot with my steel toy, I don’t think I ever paid much attention to it before, maybe i might be able to notice the difference between a spot and g spot :smiley:

Wow - for a guy who can’t get enough of a woman’s pussy, I’m appalled that you girls take these magical spots for granted…! JK

I should have been a gynecologist - but just the one that helps women find parts of their bodies in a sexually fulfilling way like in porn clips… not the one who has to deal with the other issues you have to face. I just want the sexy parts…:wink:

Basically, its just before the front side of the cervix. Google anterior fornix and youll find some handy labeled images.

Apparently you can also try the other side of the cervix too, the posterior fornix, which is apparently very pleasurable (i havent tried it, but now really want to)

Supersmashcache has a really good guide to both a spot finding and cervical orgasms :+1: