Finish My Sentence

turn up at my OH house in nothing but my underwear and a coat

and then

...with dimmed lights and smooth tunes, we...

Head to the bedroom

i have no idea

what my OH has in store for me but I hope...

Its a sexy suprise

If i could have one thing it would be

An arsenal season ticket

what i really want from life

...Is to own Arsenal FC, but sadly...

I can't afford to

Tonight i would really like a

f*ck from my sexy oh

I want to stip off my clothes and

Slip in to an arsenal away jersey circa 1992.

Those were the days, I remember

when rock was young.

me and Susie had...

A £100 voucher for lovehoney.

Neither of us could decide

what to buy.

in the end

They chose Lovehoneys biggest dildo

The only problem was

it was out of stock.

so they

Had more fun with his cock

But maybe the could rent a goat

To milk it and make cheese

And sell it

to buy a larger dildo

by why would they if it.....

was delicious and tasty

Today i wont

Sell the milk

I'll soak myself with...