before meeting OH i had in total 10 FB. Not all at the same time though. I must admit I had a wild time. With some of them I would send them an email and arrange to meet the next day. I tried things that i would never have done before and some that i still cant believe i did. I only ever fell emotionally involved with 1. That lasted for 18months. He did think he was the only person I was with but it wasnt.

I would never do anything like that now. However, the things that i did then does influence our sex life now. The OH is aware of what i did before we met and he is fine with it. I would reccomend it if you are single.

My OH was my fuck buddy years ago so that kind of when wrong somewhere

I think I may have an FB at the moment, but am waiting to see what his thoughts are He's usually referred to either as my 'manslut' or as my 'complication'.

'manslut' i like it!

Well, he's a man, and he's a slut (I'm not his first 'dalliance' in his 17 year marriage), so it just seemed kinda appropriate He doesn't seem quite sure whether its a compliment or not - and to be honest, neither am I!

worked out great for me- my best mate is the hottest guy on the planet (think Ryan Reynolds) i fancied the pants off him straight away, we were friends for ages and were really close, we got drunk one night (as you do) and spent the night together-the sex was incredible! we decided to keep it stricly sex as we had both just come out of relationships.

and 5 years later we are getting married, our friendship is still the basis os our relationship and it;s the best drunken night i ever spent!!

Nexas wrote:

Bex: That sounds really fortunate!

'mouse: Careful in that situation!

I know I know! We're both married - just not to each other - and have a level of 'what if' baggage as we split up too many years ago to contemplate (put it this way, more than 17 years) but have both always thought 'what if'. It's a mess. Thank god we're at opposite ends of the country most of the time! Hopefully we can just have some fun, no-one gets hurt and we get each other out of our systems - and I get the opportunity to - how do I put this - experiment with things lol

I had one while 19 I think. Well it was mostly of 2 guys experimenting in new things, you know. This kept up for a year or so. Did a lot of things though! After that can't find one to have a fuck buddy again!Pitty!

friends with benefits are fabulous, you just need to find the right one...

I'M with Miss Nat - my husband started as a fuck buddy and then I married him..

Starting out that way has certainly made the sex more exciting!

georga_73 wrote:

I'M with Miss Nat - my husband started as a fuck buddy External Media and then I married him..

Starting out that way has certainly made the sex more exciting!

I'm engaged to mine

Hi Georga, that isn't a picture of you hanging off a door is it!!!

Yes tallboy it is a pic of me but i'm not hanging off the door although I am sure my husband wished I was at the time

hey all xx

i've had a few fuck buddies and would deffo recommend it haha lots of fun as longs as both of you know where u stand. try profile star and faceparty everyone is always horny on there ,, gd luck x

Never had one myself, not sure whether I want one. Although it would be most convenient with the right person, until I can successfully steal someone permanently.

I had a friend at school that I used to fool around with. Whenever the gang went out she and I would flirt like crazy all night, grind on the dancefloor, whisper naughty things etc ... everyone would think we were just kidding around but little did they know what we got up to when we went home together afterwards!

At the minute I have a friend who I sometimes have a bit of a kiss and squeeze with but I don't think it's likely to go much further!

Ideally I'd like an FB who wouldn't mind my OH watching and maybe joining in sometimes...I can but dream!!!


I hate the term, but love the arrangement! This is what an ex from a long time back has recently become, but I refer to him on here as my playmate, it sums up our situation better. He's definitely helping mend my broken heart after what happened in my last relationship. Would love to find someone to build a proper relationship with eventually, but in the meantime I'm having really, really, really fabulous sex with someone I know inside out (literally!), trust completely, and love to pieces. We make a terrible terrible couple, but as lovers, we're amazing!!

SS xx

Sounds like you've landed on your feet there SS - good job girl! Everyone's a winner. Playmate sounds much better as well...