Girth is way to small... help!!


ive been seeing this bloke for a few week now and weve only recently started sleeping together.

my problem is that his penis is so skinny i cant feel it go in or out and im not exaggeratin, his finger is thicker than it!!!

im an extremely sexual person but i dont want this to come between us but i fear i will never have good sex again...

is there any positions or anything anyone knows of that will help?

pleaseeeeeee xx

Maybe, if you're not already using condoms, start using them? could give a bit more friction and thickness...

You could try positions where your legs are together, making for a tighter fit which might allow you to feel it a bit more. Spooning might be good for this.

Or you could just ask him to use his hands or a toy to pleasure you a bit more.

You need to try and compress your vagina. Lie on your back, and bring your bents legs up onto your chest, it should make everything down there tighter, so you should be able to feel him.

thanks for the tips, ive heard before that spooning is meant to be good in this sort of situation.

ive never had this problem before, usualy its the men sayin its 2 tight 2 get it in without alot of foreplay but clearly is not the case wiv this new lad lol.

i have tried the position greymatter suggested tho, layin on my bak with my legs on my chest, it didnt help :(

There are such things as penis extenders, which are kind of hollow dildo thingys which fit onto the penis.

I would recommend you being gently and completely honest about this with him. In my experience, the men who know they have small penises can ultimately become the best lovers because they learn all kinds of other ways to give pleasure rather than just relying on their dick as so many unfortunately do.

If you explain to him that your sizes are a bit of a mismatch, you being larger and him being smaller and you'd like to explore that a bit more with stuff like oral, fingers, hands, maybe fisting, toys, whatever, he could well be into all that. But you'll need to be open and honest to get there.

I'd go with Lubyanka on this but just be gentle to his ego!

Some people just aren't physically compatable so you might have to compensate. An extender might be a solution, or a huge insult to him. It might also reduce his sensitivity.

If something like that would bother you that much then it might be best to cut it off while you're not too invested in it. Some might disagree with that and see it as superficial but no one else can judge what's important to you.

Wow Sussex a tight pussy is great to find, has his finished growing yet though???

If you have the discussion he may be relieved to discover toys are us, or rather you!!!! I'm sure he would get his rocks off watching you play, with who knows what effect!!!!

Good luck in any event, my first g/f had a very tight pussy, gave me a hair trigger, nope Lubyanka would say l had one all the time !!! Glad to report the condition now consigned to the history books!!!!

Good luck though.


i do agree wiv wat lubyanka is sayin but hes already well sensitive from his last girlfriend so i dont wanna make him any worse by bringin this up, i wouldnt even no wat 2 say, seriously how do u tell sum1 that there not pleasuring u???

n tallboy yea he has finished growin, unfortunatly but he is such a lovely genuine person, thats y im im such a predicament!!!!

cheers 4 all the advice tho

All good advice. I've not tried it but the wi-vibe (I think that's what it is called) is targetted at couples to use during penetrative sex. It would not carry the connotations that a penis extender does at this difficult stage in your relationship.

I really hope it works out for you. He may become the best lover you've ever had in other ways, and you may have to pleasure yourself now and again if penetrative sex is the only thing that does it for you. Are you into anal at all? I know it is early days but being able to use an anal dildo at the same time creates that feeling of fullness for both of you too.

Take it slowly, no pressure on either side, and enjoy everything good about him. Good luck xx

i havnt heard of the wi-vibe befor, wat is it exactly?

no im not into anal its never realy appealed to me, dont get me wrong this lad is great with his hands but jus lacks it wen it comes to penatrative sex, im used to them being huge and because im not used to his size im abit put off by it, i dont want it in my mouth where as usualy i love that n i dont realy want foreplay cos i wouldnt no what to do with the size because its tinyyyyy!


we vibe quite expensive though

Sussex are you one of those girls that just has to get off on penatrative sex? My fiancé is like that. She loves foreplay of all kinds but unless she gets a full on seeing to from a real cock everynow and then she isn't happy.

If you are similar to my girfriend then you might have a bit of a problem on your hands. Like others have said though you are really going to have to talk to him about it as you are only going to be able to solve this one together.

lexx i seem to be just like ur fiance, i love all kinds of foreplay but yea im the same as her, if i dont get a good seeing to i feel like im missing out n im not happy!!

but still, theres got 2 be a simple solution 2 this? well i hope there is, how could i bring this up in conversation when we havnt been together for that long?

better now than 6 months down the line.

i guess yea but if it was u, how would u bring it up???

I think honesty is the best policy but try to make it about what you want rather than his faults.

You know I really like you and I'm pleased that we are together and because I want this relationship to work I want to be honest with you about everything. The thing is as much as I enjoy our sex-life there are times when I would like to feel...( and describe what you would like to feel/do)... I'm sure there are things that you would like too, why don't you tell me what I can do for you...

But probably a little less formal than this.

thats actualy realy good, the only thing is the bit where it ses

'there are times when I would like to feel...( and describe what you would like to feel/do)...'

how do i 'describe' that the fing i want 2 feel is his dick? lol

Maybe say...'I'd like to get even more sensation when we have this kind of sex...why don't we try this position?' or something...

Also, these articles are pretty awesome on how to talk about sex...(yeah, so it's a young people's sex ed website, it's still awesome.)

hope this helps, good luck.

thanks evey that website did actualy help alot with what to say now my issue is when to say it, i know i need to do it sooner rather than later but i still feel its to early to mention something like this?

x_SUSSEX_x wrote:

i do agree wiv wat lubyanka is sayin but hes already well sensitive from his last girlfriend so i dont wanna make him any worse by bringin this up, i wouldnt even no wat 2 say, seriously [...]

jus lacks it wen it comes to penatrative sex, im used to them being huge and because im not used to his size im abit put off by it, i dont want it in my mouth where as usualy i love that n i dont realy want foreplay cos i wouldnt no what to do with the size because its tinyyyyy! [...]

lexx i seem to be just like ur fiance, i love all kinds of foreplay but yea im the same as her, if i dont get a good seeing to i feel like im missing out n im not happy!!

but still, theres got 2 be a simple solution 2 this? well i hope there is, how could i bring this up in conversation when we havnt been together for that long? [...] how do i 'describe' that the fing i want 2 feel is his dick? [...] i know i need to do it sooner rather than later but i still feel its to early to mention something like this? [...] how do u tell sum1 that there not pleasuring u???

If a person's ego is so fragile that they cannot cope when their partner expresses their needs, then in my experience the best thing to do is to walk away.

There are choices you can make. If you really require a partner with a big penis and cannot be happy without a big penis in your vagina or your mouth, then I think you and your current partner would be better off if you stopped expecting him to be something he can never be, and accept him for who he is now and what he has now. He will never have a bigger penis, this is never going to change, so either accept it and work with what he's got , or leave him.

And by the way, sex and foreplay can be done with other parts of the body besides the genitals. You have miles and miles of skin at your disposal, why focus on one tiny area alone?

There is a simple solution to this - How do you tell somebody they're not satisfying you? Say so. How do you describe that you want to feel a big penis? Say so. In my experience it really is that simple and there is no other way.

He can't read minds and he will never know what's up with you unless you tell him. Either you can tell him in a way that gets you an outcome you want, or you tell him in a way which doesn't. Either way, if you want to be sexually satisfied, he will have to know and the only way he can know is if you tell him.

In my experience, the longer you wait the harder it will be. If he thinks he is satisfying you now, what's he going to think when he finds out you've been misleading him about that? There is no other way. Tell him or leave him, it's up to you. If you leave it too long chances are he will take that decision out of your hands and leave you first. Discussing earlier is way better than leaving it til later, in my experience.

If the idea of him leaving you feels like a relief, then perhaps leaving him might be the best thing.

I'll tell you one thing though, I'm 43 years old and I've had a number of partners over the years. My experience of men with big dicks is that they ram and bam and are the worst lovers I've ever had. Big penises really aren't everything. The best lovers I've ever had were the ones with nondescript penises because they try to please me. In my experience, the ones who are interested in my pleasure are the best lovers regardless of what genitals they have. Your partner can choose to become the best lover ever, or he can decide to shiver in a box and bemoan his fate, that's up to him. But if he doesn't know he can't get started.

Please tell him, it really does make all the difference. Good luck.