Good online erotic fiction?

I'm looking for tastefully well written erotic short stories. Does anyone know any good blogs/sites? I'm considering writing some but need to do some research!

SM, Over and out x

There's a lot on

Some good/some bad, some tasteful/some tasteless

There's a few lovehoney members who have blogs, search for the blogger thread part 2 and have a look through...

Hi Scarlett, here is a thread where you can find members who write erotic fiction on their blogs - they are very good :) xx

I stick with the "if it's any good it's been published". Check out Ellora's cave, they are the biggest publisher of erotic stories on the market. You can download most for free on certain sites.

Melanthe wrote:

I stick with the "if it's any good it's been published". Check out Ellora's cave, they are the biggest publisher of erotic stories on the market. You can download most for free on certain sites.

Normally I would agree, but many of the members that have blogs on here aren't trying to get published, they do it as a hobby, not a career and they are very very good!!

Thanks guys! Will have to check out the members blogs :)

LadyS writes some good stuff so does Alastor. Check their profiles there are links from them.