Grower rather than shower

I am a grower as well. It has posed some inconveniance when it comes to the chastity play my OH and I do, but otherwise it hasn't been an issue at all. The fact that I can go from looking so small to filling a magnum condom girth wise says a lot to what my fellow penis owners can achieve. At 6'2" myself, I can definitely see how the misproportion can throw us off, but don't worry... it just means when you jump into cold water ther'es less way to travel before your penis gets insulated.

I do not think there is anyway to permanently change things. It's just how we are built and changing that with weights/stretchers/etc could cause irreperable damage.

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Senator wrote:

Interesting links Mr Chimp, didn't study them closely, but all sorts of shapes and sizes to both sets of genetalia.

They're good, aren't they. 🙂 Most people don't get to scrutinise that many examples over the course of their average day (apart from a select few professions 🙂), and the ones in film and tv (and porn) aren't exactly representative. I think these collections are a great way to dispel any myths and taboos, and hopefully help people shed a few hang ups too. 👍🙂

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True Mr Chimp, the infinite variations are very interesting and just show that it's good to be different and accept those differences.

Ian Chimp wrote:

A photographer called Laura Dodsworth did a great collection a few years back of photos of 100 different penises and their life stories. 🙂 This article goes into a bit more detail:

She also did a vulva and a breasts one too: 👍🙂

Her work is really informative and delivered in a way which can reach a wide audience. Just goes to show how much is different yet normal. It would be great if this sort of work helped people to accept their own bodies and be unjudgemenal about others. Hollywood and porn feeds everyone an ideal, but these studies are real and human.

Grower here . When visiting a nudist camp I noticed about 90% were growers , except one younger guy . That young man must have a hard time just loading it limp in his underwear and pants !

I am definitely more of a grower than a shower, my partner loves the size of my member so I've never had had an issue in the bedroom however up until recently I have been insecure in locker rooms.

it sounds odd to type this but looking around (carefully) at other people size helped me find my confidence. Yeah some people are bigger but slot were smaller and at the end of the day if my partner is happy then that's all that matters!

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Also thought I would add, although temporary I get a really good flaccid size increase from using a penis pump. I have never followed a consistent routine for a long period to see if this could be more permanent.

Personally a grower and unashamed I have to agree with WillC about temperature in his first few replies 🤣 The summer can be just as bad if you love being in water as much as me though. It’s not all bad being a grower as it’s a nice surprise and once you’ve been with someone for long enough does it really matter ? 🤷🏼‍♂️ I know my Mrs doesn’t exactly inspect it, just a matter of warming it up before enjoying it, kind of like microwave brownies or cakes 😂 We are what we are but as long as it does the trick and gets the motion going.

The average flacid length is around 3.5inches and most common erect lenght is in the 5.5-6inch region, which makes most men growers rather than showers.

Def grower here. From about four to eight inches given the right stimulation!

My partner is a grower, my ex was a shower.

My partner grows considerably. I had a shock the first time I actually saw it grow the first time - he'd always been hard when we first met (I'd like to think I had that effect on him!).

My ex, on the other hand, just changed direction with no growth.

The way an erection happens has always fascinated me, whether it's a penis, clit or nipples. I could watch them for hours.


I'm usually about 4 inches flaccid with 4inches of girth

6 and a half hard with 6 inches girth

Although if cold or in water could go down to 2 inches of in extreme cold could become a button mushroom

:fist_left: :joy: you know what they say, " boys and their toys"


Just noticed this thread…think I’m in middle somewhere. Someday it shows a lot others not so much, but temp as @WillC says and blood flow obviously effecting… love the feeling when really aroused and it is straining its so hard.

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I must admit sometimes i come home from work and strip for a bath/shower and see my reflection in the mirror wardrobes and laugh at how much my cock and balls have shrunk due to working in the cold! A hot bath soon rectifies things! :turtle::eggplant::joy:


The thing i find curious, is how my balls change.
Sometimes loose and hang. Other days really tight and bunched, which makes cock stand out more.??


I used to love blowing on my first boyfriends scrotum and watching the skin and testicles move around and also handling them when they were cold to warm them through to watch and feel the changes.



Exactly! It’s definitely a temperature thing! When i worked in a stiflingly hot steel mill everything was hanging low and large! :rofl:

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You make me laugh! :joy:

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I’m just a bit different…used to spend ages down there fascinated by his package…

Well still am fascinated by a blokes package…:shushing_face:
