Grower rather than shower

I like your “different” :joy:


Oooooohhhhh !! That sent a tingle through said area.

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Just spent half an hour in -22c temp and for some reason i thought of this topic! :cold_face::call_me_hand::wink:

Thats exactly like my OH. She’s fascinated how she scare my soldier into retreat with anything cold, then bring it back to play with the heat of her hands lol :grinning:


That said though, I’m a grower rather than a shower. Especially once get home from work and change into something looser, let blood circulate again.

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If there was a halfway house I’m it. I am not hung like a horse when flacid but it’s not tiny either and I’m ok with how it looks in company. It is impressive when excited as my wife appreciates it. I do think that we are all shapes and sizes and we should just accept it and stride into the shower with confidence. I do believe that a mans penis responds to how he is thinking and feeling. If you’re embarrassed your friend will shrink with your ego. If you don’t care you’re penis elk swing proud.

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I would say I’m a grower rather than a shower. Is prefer it like that as it’s more of a surprise when I do get excited. I’ve always been comfortable with the size

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I’m a grower when I’m cold it’s looks so tiny, I used to be subconscious about it but I know when it’s hard it’s in my opinion a decent length and girth

@Iwill this is what I find the most fascinating!

Most of the time my hubby’s balls are pretty loose and hanging low, great for grabbing hold of, squeezing and having a good rummage about :joy:

But I love it when they are all tight and shrivelled up, just perfect for some sucking, licking and flicking :smiling_imp:


When they’re smooth and go tight from the cold, being licked/stroked is sensational!


*Edited by mod

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Hello there, very late to reply too you, but my husband is a grower. Ive not really got a preference, mind you we have been married for almost 16 years and our sex life gets better with every day. I reckon not having kids helps, lol.
At the end of the day, its how you use the tool lmao. Theres a show you can watch on YouTube called Naked Attraction (I think) and its amazing too see such a massive range of genitals. Different strokes and all that.

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I’m definitely a grower. I quite like that to be fair. When I’m soft it’s ok, not that big but I’m ok with that. I’m also happy with the size it gets when erect. On the point about my balls I think I’m like everybody else sometimes they can hang but love how they get tight, think it makes my shaft look big. I love it when OH sucks on them.

I’ll never forget thinking I was going to cripple my husband when he asked me to yank on his balls. But I’ve come to realise that sometimes we get sublime pleasure from the hint of pain.


I know what you mean, my OH said exactly that! No it doesn’t hurt, I like a little pain at times. She likes to pull them, rub them, and suck on them. I love it, something kinky about it.

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Hell too the yes! When things are getting insanely dirty I will beg my OH to let me please just give his tackle the adoration it deserves. Hooray!


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Hell yeah!

Loving the sound of that! Yeah they’ve got to be treated at times :wink: every time has to be a dirty :grinning: