Help looking for an alternative to Sliquid wash?!?

Hi I was using the Sliquid spring wash... the bottle lasted quite some time (a little goes far with that stuff lol) And of course with my luck, when returning to order a new bottle... it has been discontinued lol.

I love scented washes, but need something that does not irritate. I have quite sensitive skin at times and also very aware of my bodies natural balance. Any ideas for an alternative product suitable, but also smells nice?

I'd like to hear from those who have tried and tested. I do know there are products on the site... but nothing is better than knowing someone else gets along with a product. Plus i really don't want to run the risk of being irritated for days on end lol.

Same. I wish they didn't stop selling it.
I have a bottle and a half left before I have to worry. Supermarket brands aren't as fun are they? I'd just use water for now, it's okay to use just water, then maybe look where else sells it.

Agreed.. this is one loss my PH balance won;t thank me for lol.

I saw a few products in my local super market recently near the tampon section which claimed to be ok for ph balance and things.

I have a problem with sensative skin down below and have tired many washes. I loved the sliquid one as well i didn't even realise that love honey stocked it until i came across it accidently one day when i was looking in the sale. My fevourite femine wash has got to be a product called lactacyd which i get from boots its about £6 and i recomend it to anyone who wants a femine wash. for a cheaper alternative you can also try cadum. good luck finding the right wash for you i know what a pain it can be!

Thanks Fizzy x