Help me choose!

I would say the rabbit. It has good reviews and it is supposed to be one of the powerful ones. I dont know about this version of the Tracey Cox wand, but the previous version was not thought to be that powerful.

Liquidsugar wrote:

I never think rabbits are powerful enough, but I haven't tried that one :) I'd still say the wand.

I have the Swan rabbit. It is expensive one, rechargeable, and the rabbit ears are very powerful. Some rabbits are not that strong, I know. The LH rechargeable rabbit is no match for this Swan rabbit.

Laveila wrote:

Liquidsugar wrote:

I never think rabbits are powerful enough, but I haven't tried that one :) I'd still say the wand.

I have the Swan rabbit. It is expensive one, rechargeable, and the rabbit ears are very powerful. Some rabbits are not that strong, I know. The LH rechargeable rabbit is no match for this Swan rabbit.

I've got the royal swan and love, it gets me every time.

Maybe that's one I should try then! I've always avoided them as every one I have ever had had been a total let down!

gotta be the rabbit then I think x
