Help with suggestions for prostate toy, responsible purchases

Hello lovely LH people.

I’ve been following the different anal play / pegging threads and its made me want to revisit that side.

I’ve been looking at two options, a prostate massager:

And dildo pants:

I’m looking for any suggestions on the two from any LH forum people as to whether they have tried them and which they would go for.

I already have a range of p toys (steel wand, p-spot plug, aneros from many, many years back), so the obvious question is would any of the above options add anything different enough to warrant the purchase.

I have tried a vibrating plug before but it didn’t stay in well long enough to get any benefit.

The wider question is around thinking about buying stuff. I know most of us here are collectors, but what, if any criteria do you put on a purchase? Aside from cost, there’s the practical of when I’ll have the time to use them.

I’m aware part of this shopping drive is based on seeing a sale / having a voucher burn a hole in my virtual pocket.

Happy for thoughts on either or both!

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The massager will do much more for you than the dildo pants. Being unable to thrust the dildo in and out will make it less pleasurable.
Also, I would highly recommend the mantric prostate massager below:
You may need to wear a tight fitting thong or womens panties to hold it in during orgasm. Most prostate vibrators have a tendancy to slip out when you clench hard.

Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve been looking at that one and found it on Amazon LH store for significantly less than LH(?), but have reservations about ordering toys from Amazon and getting a household notification on my order!

Part of the reason I was looking at the Rocks Off was price, though if I did go through Amazon I have a voucher to bring it down to about the same price.

I saw that the reviews say that its loud, how loud are we talking?

Them dildo pants look fun! But the quality I’m wondering might be questionable…

Reviews aren’t great, think they are a fun idea but not great in reality.


That was my thoughts too… can imagine it must be a bit of a fiddle to get them on and off