Hi! I'm New!

Hey, I’m Sara :wave:t2:

Fairly new customer to Lovehoney (about 4 mths) and spent more money than I care to think about :see_no_evil: but all defo worth it :fire:
I’m brand new to the Lovehoney forum but I already feel at home with the topics and threads I’ve been reading so hopefully see u around the forum x


Hi :wave: @Sara welcome to the forum :blush:

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Hi and welcome :hugs:

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Hi @Dirty-Wife. I came across your name earlier on a thread, so thank u for the welcome :grin:

Hi @Baby_Jane - Thank u x

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy

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Hi @Bella_1 Thank u x

Hi and welcome @Sara

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Hello and welcome @Sara :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi and welcome @Sara

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Hi to u too, @D_and_E x

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Hey @Ian_Chimp - Another name who’s comments/post I’ve read :+1:t2:

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Hi @arry069 and thank u x

Hi and welcome @Sara

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@Sara Hello and welcome to to the forum. :wave: Yes LH is very addictive, but well worth it!

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Hellooooo @Sara

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Hello :wave:

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Welcome @Sara ! edited by mod
Enjoy your stay!

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Hi @Sara :wave:
Welcome to the forum!

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Hi and welcome @Sara