Hi! I'm New!

We can be noobs together, @Obitwo And hi to u too :wave:t2:

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Hey @ChloJakes Thank u :grin:

Hi @DanceswithPenguins

We so did @Sara :wink::sweat_drops:
And I hope we can carry on talking about the subject xx

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Of course! This is LoveHoney afterall! :grin::hugs:

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Looks like I will be learning from you. I love the descriptive posts and can’t wait to read your replies to other threads. Having you here has made my day better!

Fantastic @Sara i’m just lying on the sofa :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

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Hey @Sara and welcome :blush:

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Hi @Sara

Welcome to the tribe! :wink:

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Good Evening and Welcome along

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Hi @Sara welcome enjoy the forum

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Hi and welcome

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Hi, welcome to the forum

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Hello and welcome :smiley: @Sara

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Hey so glad you’ve joined the forum family! Big welcomes to you :partying_face:

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