Horse Riders/Owners

Before we hijack another thread with horse talk, here's one where horse talk could be allowed. Horse owners what have you got? What do you do with your horse?

How are you getting on with the onset of Winter? Are you all prepared for winter??

Never prepared enough! I need new thermals! Out hacking today any my thighs got soooo cold! Annoyed I forgot my over trousers.

Haha, good shout Miss Stripes! 16.3hh Dutch Warmblood. Do a bit of Show Jumping, which he's very talented at when he actually goes over the jumps but he is a wimp when it comes to fillers! Took him team chasing a few times this last season and that's brilliant fun.

Heading home from office shortly, got rugs to change and feeds to give but look forward to catching up on this thread when I get back!

Haha I have noticed a lot of horse talk lately :p

Unfortunately I don't have a horse atm. Was forced to sell my last mare about 4 years ago and I'm still not over that loss. She was an amazing chestnut cob, minus the grumpy 'chestnut mare' temperament! Used to hunt her and did the standard dressage/cross country/show jumping shows with her. She was amazing at the working hunters. Honestly miss her more than any person I've lost.

Hopefully someday I can come back here with a new horse but I doubt it somehow!

I'm still off my feet and paying for somebody to do my boy after a bad fall in July :(

I have decided I would happily take the cold early morning rises!

I'm hoping I can get through the winter with minimal rug purchases as mine is such a hot horse. I might need to get him another lightweight stable rug or a fleece for when he comes back into exercise and I have to clip him.

I need to rewaterproof my coat, but I am really hoping I can persuade somebody to buy one of the Aspey coats I sell for me lol. I don't want them to buy it elsewhere as I sell them cheaper, but I can't warrant buying a new one until mine gives up. But I'm trying to collect all of the Polite set, as having such a big horse and wearing that stuff definitely makes people slow down!! :p

I have a 16' tb mare who spends her day's grazing and looking pretty. She'll get some shock next year when I put her back in foal!

I work in a hunting/eventing yard part time and I just love it!

I don't own my own unfortunately :-( I so wish I had the money to buy the beautiful boy I ride at my stables though, he's a real stunner! Beautiful 17hh strawberry roan called Billy. He's got an amazing jump on him as well, he's not been phased by anything I've pointed him at yet, had him over a course of 1.20-1.40 last week and he didn't bat an eyelid. He's got miles of scope and is super careful, I love him so much!

I used to work full time as a groom, privately also at worked at rescue centers and was at a riding school before I was involved in a car crash (completely not my fault) I badly damaged my wrists, and it turns out my spine and was told I couldn't work with them again.

My boy takes my mind off of that (a bit) I spotted an advert on fb. Went and saw him because he was local. Wasn't very happy with his condition (won't go into that) fell in love with his adorable face and just couldn't leave him there.

Once I'd got him home and rid him of a scarily large worm burden (think big balls of worms, instead of poo after worming) and put him on a feed he shot up in height.

So I now have a 5 year old dutch wb x cleveland bay currently at 17'3, absolute wuss. Taken me a long time to correct his feet to a healthy state so didn't want to do too much too soon with him. but he was the best horse I have ever backed.

Love him to pieces and he is an absolute dope. Caught him once trying to sit in a plastic garden chair, he tries to stand on steps etc, always walking into things, loves to pick stuff up and carry them.

We were just taking it slow, building up his confidence on hacks etc, then unfortunately he bucked for the first time with me and I backflipped off, landed on my head/shoulders and exacerbated my spinal injury from my car accident. Only just started being able to walk again but itching to get back to normal with him.

What was everyone's first horse memory? We always had broodmares and a few young horses at home so I think mine is helping dad muck out the straw beds on Saturday's.

Miss Stripes wrote:

I used to work full time as a groom, privately also at worked at rescue centers and was at a riding school before I was involved in a car crash (completely not my fault) I badly damaged my wrists, and it turns out my spine and was told I couldn't work with them again.

My boy takes my mind off of that (a bit) I spotted an advert on fb. Went and saw him because he was local. Wasn't very happy with his condition (won't go into that) fell in love with his adorable face and just couldn't leave him there.

Once I'd got him home and rid him of a scarily large worm burden (think big balls of worms, instead of poo after worming) and put him on a feed he shot up in height.

I now have a 5 year old dutch wb x cleveland bay currently at 17'3, absolute wuss. Taken me a long time to correct his feet to a healthy state so didn't want to do too much too soon with him. but he was the best horse I have ever backed.

Love him to pieces and he is an absolute dope. Caught him once trying to sit in a plastic garden chair, he tries to stand on steps etc, always walking into things, loves to pick stuff up and carry them.

So sorry to hear that miss.

He sounds like such a character! Horses are just so special. xxx

Miss Stripes wrote:

I used to work full time as a groom, privately also at worked at rescue centers and was at a riding school before I was involved in a car crash (completely not my fault) I badly damaged my wrists, and it turns out my spine and was told I couldn't work with them again.

Ouch! I only started back riding in January, after being thrown in Nov 2008 and breaking my hip. It nearly killed me not being able to ride for so long! I honestly don't think I'd be able to cope with not being able to ride or work with horses again!

crazy horse wrote:

Miss Stripes wrote:

I used to work full time as a groom, privately also at worked at rescue centers and was at a riding school before I was involved in a car crash (completely not my fault) I badly damaged my wrists, and it turns out my spine and was told I couldn't work with them again.

My boy takes my mind off of that (a bit) I spotted an advert on fb. Went and saw him because he was local. Wasn't very happy with his condition (won't go into that) fell in love with his adorable face and just couldn't leave him there.

Once I'd got him home and rid him of a scarily large worm burden (think big balls of worms, instead of poo after worming) and put him on a feed he shot up in height.

I now have a 5 year old dutch wb x cleveland bay currently at 17'3, absolute wuss. Taken me a long time to correct his feet to a healthy state so didn't want to do too much too soon with him. but he was the best horse I have ever backed.

Love him to pieces and he is an absolute dope. Caught him once trying to sit in a plastic garden chair, he tries to stand on steps etc, always walking into things, loves to pick stuff up and carry them.

So sorry to hear that miss.

He sounds like such a character! Horses are just so special. xxx

He is, and even though some days I'm in agony and can barely move with my back he gives me a reason to get up. This time since my fall has been awful not having to go and do him.

So whilst I hope I have given him a good new life, he gives me a reason to cope with the pain and keeps me moving enough!

butterflybee wrote:

Miss Stripes wrote:

I used to work full time as a groom, privately also at worked at rescue centers and was at a riding school before I was involved in a car crash (completely not my fault) I badly damaged my wrists, and it turns out my spine and was told I couldn't work with them again.

Ouch! I only started back riding in January, after being thrown in Nov 2008 and breaking my hip. It nearly killed me not being able to ride for so long! I honestly don't think I'd be able to cope with not being able to ride or work with horses again!

It was really hard for the years after my crash, losing my career choice and something I loved doing.

Now having my own again isn't easy, but so worth it.

After the major scare after my fall and scaring all of my family as they thought I'd snapped my neck or done much worse to my spine, I will be getting an air jacket before I get back on.

Just remember to unclip it before you dismount... :/

There is no better motivation for recovery than the overwhelming desire to get back on a horse! I was off for 6 months after an accident (car not horse and not in any way my fault!) and I was desperate to get back to the stables. May have found myself mucking out with one leg still in plaster - takes a while but is much more satisfying than sitting at home on a couch.

17.3hh, half warmblood and only 5 years old.... he's going to make over 18hh isn't he? Lol, you'll need a step ladder to get on!

< My boy.

crazy horse wrote:

Just remember to unclip it before you dismount... :/

Lol, yes! A friend of mine has one and didn't - would cost a fortune to keep replacing the gas canisters!

crazy horse wrote:

Just remember to unclip it before you dismount... :/

This is probably one of my biggest worries. He is enough of a wuss. But at his height I was apparently thrown about 10-12ft in the air which is a fair distance. I'm very lucky he stood still to do it, and that it happened on the grass gallops.

I've been looking at the different types. The point2 seems to inflate inwards though which tbh sounds pretty uncomfortable and will probably hurt my bad back more.

So I've looked at the Hit Air which looks really good and one of the suppliers I get my stock offers the USG Equiairbag. Which looks a bit different. It can also slot onto the body protector they sell.

As for the question about my first memory..... when I was very youngand after my mum split from my dad I remember him taking me up to the stables.

Older and better memory was when I first started helping others at the stables and bringing a horse back to health. I used to take him for walks everyday and would eat a picnic whilst he munched on the grass.

Couldn't do that with my boy, he'd nick my sandwiches

Three horse's to wash and plait later. I predict wet feet and cramp in my hands!

I've just gone back to horse riding ( after a lot of years ) wish I had never stopped I'm loving riding again ,one day I'd love to have my own horse x

If anyone's thinking of horsey purchases at the moment Premier Equine have 40% off everything for Black Friday, since I bought my boy his new rug from there a week ago annoyed is just not sufficient to express my feelings about this, but if anyone is after anything, now's the time to get it.

Good luck avoiding hand cramp CH, I'm alright doing one but after three it definitely sets in.