How many are "mostly" straight?

Not sure if this topic will getting moderated but I will try. Do you consider yourself straight but still open to sexual experiences with same or transgender sex? My wife has always said she is not gay but “into tits”. I am fine with guy bits, both giving and receiving, if that is the encounter. I also had an awesome experience with a transgender but it was more about the honest discussions than the intimacy. Just wondering… do you stray outside the so called straight zone sex ?


To me it’s a bit of a blurry subject as I have know idea if I’m straight or any other label. Years ago I used to kiss woman and talk to them online but that was at least 5 year ago. I’m in a committed heterosexual monogamous relationship now.


I’ll take a pegging from the Mrs, but I know that I would never ever want a real penis or man inside of me, nor do I ever want to touch another man’s penis.

I’m happy with my sexuality and being straight, but each to their own :slight_smile:


I would consider myself to be a heterosexual male as I am not attracted to other males But since we started pegging and a degree of feminisation I find myself wondering what it would be like to have a real penis come in my mouth and my ass.


I don’t really think sexuality should be labelled. We are all unique and no one size fits all. If I had to say it would be straight, but as I have never been in situation with others involved who knows


Both of us have tried a same sex experience. It was exciting and different in a good way. We are slightly bi sexual but who wouldn’t be if the opportunity arose?

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Very straight… the thought of being up close and personal with a bloke , does absolutely nothing for me… not criticising those who are attracted.
I love women in all their shapes, sizes and heights… i just love the female form.


Well now! It‘s complicated…

In general, I find the labels inadequate.

In simple terms, and going by the majority of my sexual experiences and sexual preferences, Straight is the closest fit.
So perhaps 95% straight?

However I‘m attracted to people with all sorts of masculine/ feminine traits.
I’m attracted to the people, and their personalities, and the bodies and genitals they have are just aspects of that person.

For me sexual attraction is based on personality, and dynamics of ‘polarity’, as well as aesthetics. And so I can find male and female bodied people attractive, but usually more typically so with Cisgendered women‘s bodies. Just not 100% exclusively.

My wife and some previous female partners have some strongly masculine traits at times. I’m also into very feminine women too. At times I can also lean into my own more feminine characteristics myself. Though I generally live mostly in my masculine.

So I guess all that makes me somewhat Pansexual. But is that only a little bit? Or does a little bit of pansexuality just mean I‘m just Pan? Or does heteroflexible fit me better?
Hmmm…Perhaps I need to change my profile? :thinking:

I‘m in a long term monogamous (though we’ve talked about being more open/ swinging) hetero relationship. At times the bedroom antics can play with switching the polarity, so I can be more submissive or lean into more feminine energies. But most of the time I prefer, and my wife enjoys that I take the lead and I am in my masculine. So play‘s usually in the realms between vanilla heteronormative sex and kinky sub/dom play with me topping, and in very much in my masculine.

But neat categorisation isn‘t very satisfying for me.
Perhaps if it needs a label, you could say I‘m Heteroflexible. Or Heterospicy? :yum:


Definitely ladies, ladies, ladies for me. I have no interest in males at all.


I think that sexuality covers a complete spectrum from 100% hetrosexual to 100% homosexual and everyone is somewhere on that spectrum.

Specific labels are tricky and not particularly helpful when you’re talking about any aspect of human nature.


It’s easy. 100,000,000,000% straight

If in doubt refer above

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:rofl: So, @david4 , you’re definitely straight… but don’t quite understand how percentages work?
(Sorry, I’m sure you do, but it urked my mathsie brain!)

To answer the question, I would say I’m hetrosexual/straight.

I can definitely see a woman and say, she’s attractive, I definitely have a look I like but I think that’s just appreciating a form for aesthetic beauty. I have no want or interest in doing anything sexual with her.

At Uni, I kissed a couple of girls but only friends on nights out to get the attention of guys we wanted in the clubs! Calculating, manipulative flirting by us, maybe, but I don’t think it makes me bi as there was never a sexual attraction to the friend I was with (on either part, I should add).


This sounds kinda close to how sexuality is categorised according to the Kinsey Scale.

The idea of a spectrum where people can have a have a mix of different colours is a good evolution from Kinsey‘s scale though.

Kinsey’s scale was definitely a groundbreaking and useful theory for pushing against the norms of his time.
But it‘s worth bearing in mind that Alfred Kinsey first proposed this theory way back in 1948, when practicing homosexuality was a criminal act, and classified in the US where he lived and worked, as a mental illness!

Things have moved on a long way from those times though, thankfully.
The basic assumption of a simple binary of biological sexes has been thoroughly debunked since then, for one thing.

With huge increases in understanding of genetics and other scientific disciplines, biologists have identified a certain proportion of people who are born as neither male nor female, but a bit of both.
So where do these people‘s sexual preferences sit in relation to the Kinsey scale? How do we define homosexuality for someone who is between sexes?

Same question goes for asexual people. Or pansexual people! Pansexual is not the same as Bisexual.

While I don’t agree 100% with all the details, I liked your post @rockstar, because of the important implication in that statement, and in Kinsey’s theory, that there are many multiple different forms of sexuality.

… and of course because you‘re a legend for posting so generously over the years about your own rich and varied sexlife! :love_you_gesture:

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:raising_hand_man: I wouldn’t be. I find that an odd assumption.

I’ve had opportunities in the past, but have never found the idea appealing. I’d never criticise others for their wants and desires … but intimate contact with another penis-owner doesn’t interest me at all.

My OH has kissed another woman, and always thought she’d be open to a same-sex relationship … to her, it’s more about love than gender. But she’s only ever been with straight men.


I find the female form too beautiful to find men appealing.
Each to their own , but just not for me.

The wife is the same.
I guess we are classed as rather vanilla in that aspect, but both happy as we are.


Definitely bi and probably 50:50 into men and women. This has changed, however, as until I was about 20 I identified (though not out) as gay and had no interest in women. Now married for 14 years.

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I’d say I’m mostly straight. If I were made to choose between a guy or a woman, there would be no competition, female every time for me. However I have had a few times with another guy and I had no problem enjoying myself!

I’m just about as heterosexual as can be (and as a happily married dude, we intend to stay about as monogamous as possible, which is to say that we’re open to the idea of exploring the voyeur/exhibition side of clubs and parties some day, but I think swinging and swapping is a pretty hard boundary).

That said, there’s definitely a side that as the wife and I play and dirty talk together explore the fantasy of MMF (and MMFMMMM… etc) and she’s made me suck her strap-on and tell me it’s another man, etc. In those circumstances, the fantasy talk is not a turn-off. But I don’t otherwise think or fantasize about men in a desirous way. So it’s a - doesn’t really matter for my real life, but there’s room on the spectrum to reevaluate.

Wife is definitely more bi-curious, for what it’s worth.


Several posts stated that people or sexuality shouldn’t be labelled and I fully agree. I know one person that considers themselves gender fluid and can’t really describe their attractions during our discussions. That being said, don’t misconstrue my original question and let me rephrase… how would you describe your sexuality to someone new you’ve just met? Labels placed on others is certainly no good. Most don’t want to label themselves, but at some point you may need to explain your preferences to a new partner. That’s why I started using the mostly straight “label”. I prefer females, like trans, and am just fine with males but don’t want a long term relationship with one.

Another example I can think of comes from our experience way back when in the swingers clubs. Many would claim that the male or female was “bi-curious” but that often meant many different things to different people but it was a starting point for open discussion on everyone’s desires and interests. Bi to me means you are equally attracted to both sexes and could have a long term relationship with either. Bi to most in the swingers circuit means they are into breasts or aren’t afraid to touch some man bits. The label I am asking about isn’t tattooed on your forearm. It’s simply a starting point for discussion IMO.

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This is a really interesting point, @onlysortabixxx
(Love the name btw)
I think lots of people consider the word in this way. And I don‘t think y‘all are wrong.
People just use word differently sometimes.

Until recently I‘ve tended towards describing myself in a slightly different way, as somewhat bisexual (describing sexual attraction), and heteroromantic (describing romantic attraction/attachment).

But there are exceptions to the rules, so the right trans person might break the bisexuality bit, and the right guy might break down the heteroromantic bit.
So am I slightly pansexual + mostly heteroromantic?

I remember talking to a guy at a party many years ago, and he was quite open about living in a sexual and romantic relationship with a woman and a man. The three of them lived, and loved together successfully. And I remember feeling that sounds pretty dreamy. Of course this is based on my fantasy of how it would be and other people‘s stuff doesn’t intrude on this fantasy.

So the descriptions of sexuality and romantic love can be a little fuzzy for me, including where I don’t have real lived experience.
The labels also don‘t describe the degree to which they apply either.

I can be conceptually pan & polyamorous, but I only have experience with monogamous hetero sex and romantic love, and a couple of brief youthful homosexual & slightly homoromantic experiences to draw on.
If we’re weighing my experience, the vast bulk of it is made up of heterosexual/heteroromantic relationships, and the vast bulk of that is with my wife. I’ve also had some pretty decent male bonding with best friends (aka bromance).

I find the labels useful to have in many ways. They‘re just not always 100% reliable in my view.

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