I would like to write a review but not sure if this is the right place but the strap on I bought that me and my wife use is absolutely amazing
You can review any item from its product page on the Lovehoney shopping site. If you scroll down the item page, you should see a big ‘write a review’ button.
There is an issue with some browsers (Firefox, Duck2Go) where the review section doesn’t show up unless you change the browser tracking settings. Alternatively you could just swop browser.
Hiya @ccorley89
Welcome to the forum.
Yes just find the product on the shopping site scroll down and click on “write a review”
Good luck
Welcome to the forum! This is a great go by by @Blonde_Bunny: The Review Writing Routine
I think that may be a bit full on for the average bear. The How to Write a Great Review from the testing guide may be a gentler starting point.
Yeah… I think my methods are a little, um, ‘advanced level ’, for the average beginner
Welcome! (And I’m jealous )