I had the weirdest dream last night

I had a dream that I lost my vibrator, it rolled underneath the bed and vanished and then I started paniking that my mum would find it but then I jolted up realising it was a dream

I had a dream last night where I had a secret room full of bondage gear, and my sister found it...I don't even own any bondage gear. :S

Ooh yeah I was meant to tell all you guys about a dream I had before Christmas. I did type it up all dramatic and awesome but the forums suckkkk off my tablet computer and I lost it all! :( Will try to remember.

Basically it was Lovehoneys fault, (or maybe my slight obsession) and that toy with me Tuesday blog!!
I'd been watching loads of prison break at the time (years late I know) and Michael the main character used to post things down the sewer vents, so this incorporated with him posting a little sexy toy down there, complete with cheesy background music. Then it went on to Dr who with some kegel balls swaying about slow-mo being tossed into the air for someone to catch just in the nick of time.. Then continued throughout several different tv shows in cheeky toy with me Tuesday style. (Funny thing is I don't watch tv so I must be picking up a lot subconsciously!)
Then it goes to cartoons..
I've never seen what she looks like but E.L James turns up as like a Simpson's character and she's got that really common old style cockney accent and she starts chatting away purely taking the mickey out of herself saying how rubbish and stupid she is etc, whilst being mocked even more by the rest of the characters. Peter griffin I think but E.James also looked like a puppet like the way her face moved about when she spoke.

Can't remember why I woke up but it was around this point. Maybe from laughter. Xx

My dreams lately have been really vivid and strange- nosebleeds, donating blood, being attacked by snakes, receiving cunnilingus while flying (?!) and my partners hair falling out to name a few!

darn double post

Avrielle when you had your trouble getting the words out to your mother how did it feel?

I have things similar to that. One of the most frustrating was when I knew people were gonna get raped and murdered and I tried to call 999, such a simple number, but got it wrong EVERY TIME. It was really upsetting and frustrating because I couldn't help the people. I ended up having to hide in a pond all night so the 'baddies' couldn't find me.

I dreamt I was a mermaid the other day... strange.

I suffer occasionally with what I assume is sleep paralysis (Not been diagnosed or anything) and thats when I have my scaryyyy dreams. problem is you think you are awake but you cannot move a muscle....and you can sense someone creeping up behind you and you know they intend to hurt you and I try as hard as I can to turn around and cant until the last second when ...

I awake....but still cant move, and now something different is happening, one of my kids are crying and im trying to get up to see to them and i cant move and someone is creeping up the stairs to get them and I am forcing myself so hard to move and then...

I am awake.....

This goes on for 3 or 4 different scenarios in each one I realise I am asleep right at the end and "wake" but often its a fake waking, until the last one where I feel like I am being pulled up fast from under water and suddenly I am properly awake and I can move. It doesnt feel like dreams it really feels like you are awake...urghh horrible!

I HATE those things!!

But as for normal weird dreams, I have had a few. I used to have recurring dreams about airplane crashes always a different situation but always hearing the engines and seeing it go down and always trying to help resque people but not able to, and seeing horrible things

One I had while pregnant was I gave birth to the baby at 20 weeks and it fit into the palm of my hand and was dying, and I was trying to get to hospital to save this baby but everything was stopping me from getting there, from traffic jams to my bloke not finding the keys etc, when we got to the hospital the doctor accidently set the baby on fire ....yeh that dream freaked me out for weeks!

I had a dream that my boyfriend was stuck in a tv and I was being chased around the house by a guy trying to get me into bed, and I was trying to hide from him while at the same time trying to pull my boyfriend out of the TV lol

It is also a running joke with my partner because I have sex dreams a lot, but hardly ever about him lol. He says I am a dream whore! I cant help it though, half the guys I dream about disturb me!! lol

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

I was in some ground floor home, and there was a garden with a big bird feeder/nest box thing near my bedroom window. I was having a meal with my mother(?) and I saw this MASSIVE bird out the window. As black as a crow but with a longer neck and a big long beak. My mother tried to say it was just a Raven, but I was sure it wasn't. I finally got her to see it and she still said it was a raven. I looked it up on the internet and it called this bird a 'Jabberwock' (but I think my brain must have been aiming for 'jackdor', but didn't get there! Lol!)

A jabberwock is a monster Alice has to slay in the new Alice in Wonderland film (well, it was made in 2010 now, but oh well). Lewis Carroll himself said it was a horrid monster. Google "jabberwock" or "jabberwocky" for pics :)

I believe that nightmares are to be shared so they have no power over you and dreams (lovely ones) are never meant to. If you tell people about your nice dreams they will dissapear.

I remember as a child having many, many nightmares about the film "Labyrinth" - the goblins, the goblin king (David Bowie!!) the stair-maze, the bog of eternal stench, the faeries - everything in there REALLY scared me as a child and would leave me a gibbering mess.

i never really remember dreams may have a flash back and part of it but not a running story

I havent had a dream in ages! which is fine by me unless it is a sexy one !

I started trying to keep a diary of my dreams last year but I'm not very good at remembering to do it. Will try to start again this year when I find the book!

I think I'm starting to realise now that I have special dreams and that it's special that I remember them so often! :)

Blessing and a curse though! xx

I remember mine most nights. In fact I'd probably say it's strange when I don't remember a dream!

(Btw I don't mean to look rude, I did read all of these comments the other day but because of my kidney infection I was too grouchy to write back properly, and now I'm feeling a bit crappy with concentration so feel as though I physically can't read it again! I will soon though! R.E mermaid dream though, I've dreamt that a few times haha, woke up drowning as well! D'oh!)

I had an awful dream last night... should never have eat that chocolate bar before bed

Is the chocolate and cheese thing actually true?
I know they give you headaches. Maube that'd be why you have a nightmare because you have a headache??

Apparently though, well a friend told me, that the story all come from some sailors using cheese as an excuse but really it was because they drank too much wine?

Headaches thing should be quite legitimate I hope as my dr told me that one haha xx

Yeah I went because I was worried because I was having bad headaches/migraines every single day for over two months and they said chocolate and cheese can trigger them. Not sure why either. Unless my Drs really are that rubbish and they just made it up on the spot to get me out the door haha x

Oh I just had a really pretty dream! A sad one though. I don't understand it haha x

Sorry I didn't write it because I was still half asleep. Now everyone knows I slept in until 11 on a weekday hehe! I think I was deciding whether or not to share it with you or on my Facebook (I'm still anonymous on here as I've asked help regarding my sexual abuse so I don't want the risk of any of my real life knowing it's me.)

Ooh I must read up what triggers them. I assumed my depression is why I get them as my mum got them a lot too.

My dream (very cloudy now, it was cloudy at the time so remembering best as I can) I think somebody was pregnant, myself or somebody else was. A Dr type person came in to look at (lets just say my -I vaguely remember it was me who had a baby in their belly (as opposed to expecting if you get what I mean? It was more of a medical outing -weird) as I have tokophobia I think I must have got scared and changed the dream maybe haha! I didn't have a pregnant tummy though so maybe it was someone else and I was just there. ANYWAY either way it doesn't matter that's the minor irrelevant part of the dream haha)

(Sorry rambling, bit head poorly atm)

Anywhooooooo start over.

So someone is pregnant and dr comes to look at notes etc and says I don't have to give birth if I don't want to as a baby can quite happily continue living in the womb and will have all the nutrition it needs. (I believed this in dream world and only noticed it was weird when I started to ask my boyfriend if it was true whilst we were brushing our teeth. I had to stop myself part way through as I realised how ridiculous it was hahaha the baby would rip through the mothers stomach eventually! Silly meeee!)

He took me outside (*edit *hrre is where i meet tall friend mentioned later) and into this other building with loads of fish tanks in it. Amazing fish which don't exist and so weird and beautiful. And there were other weird mammal fish like an alpaca fish!

Basically I heard that it was lunch break for the rest of the world so I thought ooh I'd better get back outside to look after my pet adolescent giraffe in case anything happened to him. (I think I'd met him shortly before and he was soooooooo lovely I wish he was real!!!! We were basically in love he was so cute and his nose felt velvety like a horse and he would nuzzle into me! ^_^ ) Got outside and a few people were really scared of him so I had to show them he wasnt harmful. Then a beautiful man who couldn't talk came over and tried to understand. He had a captivating presence and it was about teaching him one to one and letting him get to know giraffe through the lack of same language communication. He got a stick to throw for him to play fetch (?) I didn't know they do that lol but he was loving it but wasn't a very good catcher haha and his neck went all floppy you know how like when they fight? So that was a bit scary and got a few gasps. He brought the stick back though! :) So cute (sorry I really love him haha I wanna go back!!!)

But then as he came back with this stick a second time he seemed poorly. Then we noticed that his bottom half had scaled over. He was turning into a fish and it was really heartbreaking to watch him suffer there and even though I loved him I knew I had to let go and let him go and live in the ocean!! :'(

(Which we were round the corner from even though I live in the midlands!!)
I've probably not even worded it as amazing as it was! It was all in high def and beautiful colours. Xx

Oh wow! Like sin city?
I didn't realise my dreams were so unusual. I always have colour in my dreams, they're basically the same as real life. So how can you get confused about whether or not you are dreaming if it's not in colour? I feel lile I can feel pains in my dreams as well. I remember them most nights. They're not always worth remembering (though they might be to some and not to me haha) I have had some cool ones though.

Example of a pain one I had about two years ago now.
I was a slave in a desert with other prisoners and we were digging for stuff, gold, gemstones, treasures etc. We were so so poor though so when I found some gems I carefully hid them from the guards inside my mouth. Woke up with my mouth soooooo sore!! The pain stayed for ages as well. Wasn't a toothacge or anything though. Just my brain power I assume haha. Xx