I LOVE sex during my period, am I alone?

Having just read a thread about sex during your period I find myself feeling completely awestruck!

I had no idea that it was such an issue for most of you girlies.

I appreciate that we all have our own preferences and many men and women find it distasteful or messy but really, I had no idea that it was that much of an issue.

During my period I am hornier, more easily aroused, even when I have tummy cramps the best thing for them is a damn good orgasm. Yes, my boobs get sore, yes I feel bloaty sometimes but I get so turned on that it really doesn't matter.

You just need to take a few sensible precautions, a few big towels, everything washes out!

I've never had a boyfriend who found it a turn off, although I have to say my girlfriends pretty much all shut up shop when the Russians are in.

I feel I may have started a thread that may be distasteful to some of you, despite the wonderfully frank discussions taking place on here this may be the last taboo?

If you also ADORE SEX during your period or as a man are still turned on and happy to indulge your woman, PLEASE let me know.

Yours curiously,

Legs xx

Me and hubby use to always carry on when the painters were in, however since having kids etc etc we dont anymore, not for any other reason that I know get bad cramps afterwards if we do it at that time of the month.

Ive also got cervical ectropium (where the cells sit on the outside of the cervix rather then in the canal) so sometime (not often though) sex doggy style etc can make me bleed and feel uncomfortable depending on the time of month and possition of my cervix. so I firgured I would give myself a break for 3 days of the month as thats all my monthlys last for hehe.

Hi Legs, don't worry, you haven't put everyone off!

I personally really don't feel in the slightest bit horny during my period (wish I did!), to busy feeling fat, bloated and sore. And I will confess to it being one of my few remaining hang-ups - the thought of sex at that time (for me, doesn't bother me what others do) just makes me feel really icky. Not helped by the fact that my periods are really heavy and long-lasting

Not for me after a bad first night experience with a new guy (he ditched me afterwards - how repressed!).

So that's caused me to have a much bigger embarrassment factor with period sex than before.

Now I just use it as an excuse to give my fella oral, which is probably one of my favourite things to do!

Sublime... dont worry...taboos dont exist in the world of LH! Feel free to start whatever threads you want...whoever doesn't agree with it, I'm sure will just ignore it!

As for my personal opinion...i do think its quite disgusting to be honest and have never done it and nor do I plan to. All the girls I have been with do get extremely horny during their period but none have ever asked to have sex during!

If my girlfriend was really adamant on having sex during her period, then I would never ever turn her down...but it would have to be in the shower whilst I'm wearing a condom though.

The thought of it is a real turn off though! x

Thanks for your honesty guys, I find this whole thing really fascinating.

It just shows how diverse we really are!

I have to say i do enjoy it when i am on... but nothing beats doing it like 3 days before for me, I get so horny I can go from 0 to orgasm is like 2 seconds flat! ok maybe a bit longer but its good stuff... and excuse me for probably been gross but the lubrication when I am on is nothing like any lube you will ever buy, its great... My new boyf isn't to in to it but I am sure if we were both in the mood he wouldn't say no! xxx

purplejools wrote:

can't say doing it at that time of the month does anything for me personally....

never tried it though but as soon as i'm on, my horniness disappears! lol the week before is always good though, tend to find i'm at my horniest then! External Media

Don't you just find you are in a permenant state of Horn just before? It's madness really! Makes me wonder, Do any of the guys have that? where a certain time of the month you are hornier than others? just a thought!

I'm really horny beforehand too but during I'm usually in too much pain. If I wasn't, I'd consider it with the right guy, so don;t worry legs!

Until the last few months I would have said - urgh yuk, no way!

Mainly due to over the years I have had my fair share (and some....) of 'womens problems' we have steered clear of sex duing period time. But looking back, so much time has been wasted.

18 months ago I had a minor op - and things have started to look up. Almost pain free now, with a drastic slow down, so that takes the edginess off.

(Wont bore you with the details of the op - but those of you that suffer look at my profile)

July and we went abroad for the first time in 20 years - now it could be that we were totally relaxed, with no children or just the heat....but OMG going at it like rabbits we were. When I had a suprise visit (miscalculated i think) I was just so horny that I just had too. He was suprised of course, but it was okay (all right then more than 'OK').

Since getting back home, this new trend has continued - Im glad to say.

Take the usual precautions, towel, wipes to hand and no problems.

Life is too short I say.

Strapon! wrote:

Sublime... dont worry...taboos dont exist in the world of LH! Feel free to start whatever threads you want...whoever doesn't agree with it, I'm sure will just ignore it!

As for my personal opinion...i do think its quite disgusting to be honest and have never done it and nor do I plan to. All the girls I have been with do get extremely horny during their period but none have ever asked to have sex during!

If my girlfriend was really adamant on having sex during her period, then I would never ever turn her down...but it would have to be in the shower whilst I'm wearing a condom though.

The thought of it is a real turn off though! x

I so don't get this! How come it's such a turn-off for you?

I have zero issues with having sex on my period - until I came on this forum, I didn't even know anyone had a problem with it! I've never been with a guy who minded it, I even once had a bf who would didn't mind going down on me during. Which, admittedly, I found a bit icky. Perhaps I'm just lucky that my periods were never that messy or disrupting - and I always found that sex was the best way to cure cramps! The contraception that I'm on stops my periods now, though, so I don't have to worry about it anymore!

I'm so with you there shellyboo which is why I started the thread!

How funny that all these sexually liberated people should have such diverse and strong views on the most natural of all bodily functions.

Nothing like starting a bit of interesting debate ;-)

We do - never even thought about it before really. My bloke will also go down on me but then I'm not at all heavy (all over with in 3 days really) and I always wash beforehand.

My hubbie likes it. But only sometimes do I let him go there. I'd rather be"Star week" free as they call periods in slimming word.

Hi gals, six four and a whimp when it comes to claret when not my own, just not able to though recognise it can be the horniest period ever, applies even if dark and l cannot see. Mrs T says l can smell blood!! Off to get a job with the drug squad in the am......


We never stop, it doesn't bother either of us and i find that my wife is usually extra horny while she is on. although it can be a bit messy, i like the idea that it is something a bit different, so we both get our kick out of it.

Legs, I also find it really interesting that there is such a diversity of attitudes on this thread, and wonder where we get them from. I've been thinking about it, and I reckon that in my case at least, it's a lot to do with early conditioning and up-bringing. My periods started when I was about 12, and have always been really heavy and painful - as an awkward teenager, it was so embarrassing having to tell mum why I was changing my sheets yet again, because ANOTHER towel had let me down during the night. I was put on the pill at 15 because of my periods, and that was another big deal, then the icing on the cake (not) was my first serious boyfriend who really couldn't cope with anything girly and made me feel about 2 inches high when I was on. This being the same guy that made me feel awful for years afterwards, because I squirted on orgasm - HA! I bet you he's living somewhere now, wishing his woman was a squirter!!!!

Not really for me, as I feel the same way as Whirly.....

For us it had varied over the years like some other replys , but we mostly dont these days unless we are very horny and just need a simple fuck but as we like to have a long varied session doing it during her period would be very messy so we dont .

So for us the only reason not to is just the practicle side of all the linen to wash if we dont just have a simple fuck not to mention its not nice to see blood smears all over the bed big turn off for us both .

Hi Some of our very best sex has been during my wifes period. To Many hang ups yes you have to prepare better but it about the mutual pleasuring from a male pomt of view you go for it girl.