Is it normal to be addicted to my boyfriends cock?

Okay I still can’t get over how good his cock feels. It’s like a drug to me. We have even moved in with each other recently since his parents had an extra vacant house that they don’t use since it was his dad’s childhood home. Now we have sex like 5 times a day and I can’t get over how good it feels. I used to watch porn and cry thinking I would never know what cock feels like and now that I know I don’t want to ever go back to a life without it. Like I don’t get how anyone can stop having sex. It’s litterally all we want to do. He loves how loud I am and he said it’s so nice to finnally have someone edited by mod.


@Emily25UK I totally agree with you but well done on 5 times a day - you must be red raw by now

For me I love to suck - I feel so at peace when I slowly suck his cock and I also enjoy anal where he can really go to town

I’m not into vaginal so much from my man as he is big and it can hurt when he he goes for it - however I do enjoy a nice dildo there (I can control the speed and depth)

But nice to hear from you and enjoy it while you can (honestly a bit jealous) :lovehoney_heart:


Jealous too.

Remember fondly how my wife and i used to shag that many times a day in our early twenties, or at least once of twice if life got busy… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl:

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@Emily25UK good on you, enjoy it, it is not affecting anyone else apart from your partner.

I think that most relationships start off at a rapid rate of knots, especially with the new found freedom of your own place, overtime it will steady down, hopefully not, but life does get in the way.


Are we actually still entertaining this fiction as being real?


Careful. Last time I (and others) called out a troll someone posted a lecture. With all the gatekeeping anymore, this site ain’t what it used to be


Welcome to the forum, and nothing wrong with enjoy eachother, especially with the new freedom of being home alone always! No longer needing to rush a session when everyone is out the house, or the awkward feeling that someone’s heard your dirty talk.

Have fun, I’m the same with my partner. I absolutely adore her and her holes. The smell, taste and feeling of both is almost hypnotic. Some days I even cant function without getting some attention, but my love language is physical… so it kinda makes sense :eyes:

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Your man must be thinking all his Christmas’s have come together. Take care not to wear him out. He is one lucky fella. Don’t you complain either. If you enjoy it go for it. I just don’t know how you find the time. Work/socialising/ college/uni.

Ha! I make your words mine :grin::heart::clinking_glasses:

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I honestly don’t care anymore. You’re quite right, it’s gone far to woke for my liking around here. Its fine if you wanna talk about eating a cream pie out your partners ass, but use a wrong pronoun and they call out the dogs.


@Emily25UK …please excuse the intentional pun and alliteration :pensive:…but crack on and enjoy the persistent pounding of your pussy.
5 times a day is premier league level.:clap:

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Another one for my ignore list. I honestly don’t understand what people get out of doing this, its wildly unbelievable lol

We’ve got one practicing erotic fiction and another posting other peoples photos :man_facepalming:t2:

Then there’s another one I read this morning and thought this isn’t real. Its getting to be too often now.


Guess that’s sure one of the better things to be addicted to!

At mid 20’s i dont think it too much of a stretch… maybe a bit of artistic license to the dialogue though.

It quite normal to get addicted to cock. Enjoy your addition and freedom. :sunglasses:

I just hope that your partner is returning the favour and giving your lady parts the same level of addiction. :sunglasses::joy:

Hi @Emily25UK I’m happy you are enjoying your time with your new partner. I would suggest avoiding making duplicate posts to share that you are having sex with your partner, and instead use the currently active When did you last have sex? thread.

Please have a read of our forum rules.

I will now close this duplicate thread :slight_smile: