Issues with the Lingerie Photo Uploads page

I don’t see a problem with the current uploads, most do show lingerie with the odd one without any but always things covered. Congratulations to all that are willing to upload. You simply scroll past if you don’t like the odd picture.


I was thinking of it more from an organisational point of view. It seems reasonable to assume that there will be some people who would like to look at only Lovehoney lingerie (with links) for shopping inspiration - but how do they currently separate those out from the 1000 posts that are in there?

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Perhaps if we rename the existing topic but keep it how it is, then start a new one with slightly more structure that is just for LH lingerie and products must be listed? :thinking:


I think this is a great idea. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people uploading nude photos if they want to (as long as they stick to the rules - I dread to think of some of the photos you get sent to moderate! :see_no_evil:) but they don’t fit in a lingerie thread really.

A thread dedicated to lingerie shopping inspiration would be great. I have definitely seen pieces on some people that I think look great and have been inspired to buy.


You could always tag the person and ask them about a specific item you’re interested in.

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Think that could be a great idea you mentioned in having links to the items worn in the images where possible :smiley:

I think both solutions selected are perfect for all parties @Lovehoney_Brenna .

  1. The current pictures thread can remain and people can continue to enjoy it as normal.

  2. The new picture thread specifically for LH products will provide additional opportunity for customers to show a real life visual representation of what certain lingerie products will look like. This will give other customers a idea whether they are interested in that product or not.

I apologise in retrospect if I sounded like I was being a killjoy. I have no issues with any of the pictures on the site as they all comply with the rules. As a result, I have made the suggestion of a solution that will hopefully be appropriate for all forum members to enjoy. :slight_smile:

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Why fix something that is not broken!!! @Lovehoney_Brenna you have enough to do already. Don’t make more work for yourself for the sake of a few photos.


Great idea!

I know some leave details in reviews but as well as links to the products it would be really helpful to potential buyers if people also included height/size details too - optional of course - but how often do people either buy something based on an image and then find it doesn’t fit them the same, or even not buy something for fear of it not fitting well?

This is especially true of the ‘one size’ items and the bras sets and basques which aren’t cup size specific.


I have to agree with this. I don’t see how one persons views have changed something that has worked perfectly well for everyone for all this time. I say leave it be!


Completely agree.
@Lovehoney_Brenna has so much to do already.
If you don’t like it, keep scrolling past. Not every picture is my cup of tea, but I give likes to those I like and scroll past the ones I don’t like.


I’m not entirely sure how much extra work it would involve?

  • Create topic
  • Approve posts to topic

Where’s the extra workload coming from?

I think a dedicated topic for Lovehoney customers to show off their Lovehoney lingerie seems like quite a useful addition.

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Just adds confusion to upload for me the LH lingerie already exists as it is. So if I have underwear that’s not LH it goes in a different place? Seems silly to me. Only my opinion.

Exactly how it should work. Don’t understand all this fuss over one persons comment :man_shrugging: It’s just the odd naked body jeez

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@Lovehoney_Brenna could always delegate some of the moderating load. Babysitting all of us is a big job at the best of times!

Everything would remain as it is, except the current thread would be renamed “Members uploaded photos” or something to that effect. You can even continue to post LH lingerie in it if you like!

A new topic would be created for LH lingerie only, where posts must be tagged with the item. :slight_smile:


That’s cool. Still think it works well as it is (so easy to check one topic), but I’m happy to go along with whatever :blush:

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Maybe “Lovehoney Clothing” so that boxers/trunks are included for the men?


Perfect! :slight_smile:


I think it’s an excellent idea @Lovehoney_Brenna. I find it really helpful to see LH lingerie items being worn by people who aren’t models and I can see more easily whether they would suit me or not. I don’t have a problem with people posting non-LH lingerie or nude pictures but personally, it steps over my “invisible line” of what I feel comfortable looking at and particularly what I think my husband would be happy with me taking part in. At the moment I don’t read the lingerie photos thread but if there was a thread for LH lingerie with links to the products then that was be awesome and really helpful. People can still post anything in the original thread so no one would lose out? I hope that makes sense? I don’t mean any of this in a judgemental way, it’s just what I think would be helpful to me and probably a lot of other people.