I view this forum on an iPad and see that people attach links to LH products either by cutting and pasting or by putting I use this and whatever it is, is highlighted in blue.
For-instance when Brenna asks for testers people list the items they are interested in, how do you do this.
I’m a bit if a technophobe so don’t know how to do either, are there any IT savvy people who can help.
To get the link with text, you need to use the hyperlink. When you open the text box (to reply), you should see a number of icons above, starting with speech bubble, B (bold, I (italics) etc. The next icon, which looks like two chains linked together is the one to select.
It will pop up with a box that says ‘Insert Hyperlink’. The first box says “insert a URL…” - This is where you post the link to the item on the Lovehoney website (literally just copy and paste the www.lovehoney.co.uk/(whichever item it is). The second box which says “optional title” is where you put whatever you want to come up as the text (which will be highlighted in blue).
You can do the same with forum topics/posts too - clicking the two rings next to a post will automatically copy the link to it which you would put in the “insert URL here” bit in your reply.
You can have a practice with it in The Sandbox which is specifically for trying formatting stuff out. And I’m sure @Ian_Chimp has put a much simpler explanation of how to hyperlink in there too!
Any questions feel free to ask as I’m sure I haven’t explained that very well! It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. Once you’ve done it a few times it’s a breeze
Also, top tip for the tester posts, if Brenna has already linked it, then simply copy and pasting that text will copy and paste the hyperlink too so much easier I’ll pop an example in The Sandbox for you to try out…
I just realised I didn’t have the speech bubble, I etc. Do you hve 3 horizontal lines at the top right of your screen? Tap them and it’ll drop down all the gubbins x
For the tester parts I usually just copy and paste the list in the post from Brenna then just remove the ones I don’t want to put my hat in the ring for.