LH Black Friday 2021

@IrvineTheBigYin Bondage rope and a how to shibari book?
(Also safety scissors, becuase safety first :+1:)

Hog ties might also get you a similar position, but the smaller ankle and wrist loops tend to fit more people

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Since it is Black Friday, what have you bought or planning to buy from LH? I bought some Lingerie, a dildo and the FSOG greedy girl rabbit which won on the poll I posted a week or two ago. I would of bought more but my funds unfortunately didnā€™t support that idea :sweat_smile:


Iā€™ve seen a few bits I really want to get, and my wonderful hubby said heā€™ll get me them for Christmas :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nope lol been buying gifts for other people for Christmas, so now Iā€™m skint as I tend to overspend on people (I love giving gifts) so trying to only buy what I need until I save up a little bit.

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I have bought a glass dildo and some lingerie for myself,thought I best get the OH something so got him the rudolph thong :deer:

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Great I was actually looking at the Rudolph thong but got no man to give it to :joy: I was also wondering ā€œwhere does the penis go?ā€ It literally looks like there isnā€™t a place for it to go like all other male thongs?

Yes the thong is just like a pouch so penis and balls just hang inside but it is tight fittings so it all sits in there securely :blush:

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Ahhh ok. If I had someone to give it to Iā€™d happily give them one as they look kinda cute :sweat_smile:


Why do you have to wait a whole month? :scream:

I am also doing this :laughing: going to be tough though as i got myself a melt for xmas :gift:

Also got a beaded glass dildo and some restraints seriously discounted.


Got Mrs BB her sexy Christmas gifts :christmas_tree::christmas_tree: but not going to spoil it by saying here :rofl::rofl:

Got the lifelike lover 7" silicone (pink and blue) dildo, LH beaded glass dildo, a lace and fishnet body stocking, and a wet look open cup teddy. Weā€™ve been on shark week, so havenā€™t tried anything out, but so excited to do so soon!


Hopefully a prostate massager! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Grabbed ourselves a few items, money is tight before Christmas so didnā€™t go crazy but we had been awaiting treating ourselves for a while.

Girlfriend spotted me looking at a Prostate Massager, which I was too worried to bring up, and said I could order :speak_no_evil: so very excited to try that!

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Feeling really disappointed about my Black Friday purchases :persevere: I made an order about two weeks ago that was lost in transit, so they dispatched a new package on Friday, but the new tracking hasnā€™t updated if it has arrived to the distribution center (this is where the other packageā€™s tracking stopped updating). And we decided to order a Liberator Wedge on Sunday 20% off with the additional 20% discount code, then today customer care emailed that it was out of stock when they went to pack my order and refunded the purchase. So maybe I wonā€™t have gotten anything for Black Fridayā€¦ :frowning_face:

Gutted for you @PKH :weary:, looks a great item which I would love to try one day when budget allows it. They are in stock at LH in the UK too but not sure you can ship to US?

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What a bummerā€¦ Possibly wait for an anniversary or bday code?

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Yes you can ship to the US from the UK store, shipping is a little high though :sweat_smile: :relaxed: