Masturbation Session

Those type of horny days are great! always wish they would come around more often haha

Not strange at all! Keeping in the moment

Oh man, that sounds amazing! a naked wank day should be required each week

Looking up now :joy:

Hmm good question… I think 10 minutes just start to finish for me

Now that’s how to spend a day!

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Wow! Sounds like a lot of orgasms

Sometimes unfortunately I cannot, I think medication and health prevents things some days. Get the sensation though using a fleshlight. @zcestari

Ahh gotcha. Fleshlight nice, i’ve been wanting to get one but haven’t pulled the trigger

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My longest was about 4hrs at home on my own stayed naked all day watched porn and played worth my self cock anal but always stopped just before ready to burst until i could not last any longer and then the orgasam was so hard and strong, those are great days when i can get them

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Sounds like an amazing day!