Meme - Chit Chat

I’m a Cancer so apparently I’m all three categories! :smile:

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@CurvyJilly fabulous Robin Williams meme and so true. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Yes @WillC …a lot of people “look” like they have it all…they may have all the material things in the world.

But a hug…love…support and someone giving you kindness and their time …the things that cost nothing are often needed more than anything you can buy.

You can hide so much behind a mask


Absolutely! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

@Craig1234 , I don’t know, what am I missing? Am I too young or too naive? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Back int day we used to ask what there was to eat…or if we complained there was nothing in…

“Shit wi sugar on”

Was often the response…


Thanks @CurvyJilly !
Every day’s a school day :+1:

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Had to laugh at this
I’d sure have plenty of content to put on there! :joy:


Oh I definitely do too :joy: getting old is no fun

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I’m sure you are … but secretly know the answer :rofl:

Shit with sprinkles (Hundreds and thousands) on is a similar local one!

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DAT GIRTH THO :flushed:

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Okay @WillC , I get the Midge Ure, nothing to me and Vienna but give me a hint on this one. Really does Mean Nothing To Me - I don’t even know who he is! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Say his name aloud quickly!
I will add that an editor of The Beano was actually named Euwan Kerr.


Doh! :woman_facepalming:t2:
I thought it was a sophiticated, understanding of music meme. I was thrown by the following one, I should have known better! :rofl::joy::rofl:


Apparently the “Adult Pleasure Zone” meme is Wolverhampton! :joy:

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The Paris Christmas tree, where when asked “are you going put that up yourself”. The answer is “I most certainly will be”.

Where can I buy this :rofl:


I would love to know too …

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My fault there, I messed up the link and then the edit!