Men having wet dreams

For about the last 6 months or so my husband has been getting a wet dream now and again, probably about once a month or a little more. Sometimes he has woken up and sometimes not but each time he definitely cum and got wet. He is nearly 40 so it seems a bit strange that he has started to get them now and although I find it really hot I think he is quite embarrassed about it. Any others have any experience with this?


I had a few when i was much younger, i think the last one i had was in my early 40’s. If i was your OH i wouldn’t be embarrassed, it’s natural and it’s not exactly as if he can control how his dreams pan out.


This probably stopped for me about late 40s.

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It happens every now again, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, my wife finds it a bit of a turn on if it happens, it’s a natural thing

ive only had about 3 maybe 4 in my life. last time was last year when I was 33, I hadn’t came for about 10/14 days so that was partly why. I can’t remember the dream but I do remember the feeling of having an orgasm just before I woke up. Just let him know its completely normal.

I don’t have a penis so can’t comment on it too much, but I know it’s something that happens to women too! It’s completely involuntary so absolutely nothing for him to be embarrassed about.

Such a great thing to talk about though as the stereotype is always teenage boys isn’t it. In actual fact to can happen to us all at any age!


I had a fantastic wet dream not 3 weeks back, I woke up covered in cum, I’m 48 and whilst they don’t happen often enough, they still happen, :crazy_face:, I just wish I knew what the trigger was I would be on it every night, so absolutely nothing to be worried or embarrassed about.


29 and haven’t had one in a year or two, find if I don’t get off for a 4 plus days I’ll have one. It’s nothing to worry about.


I’ve never had one, would love to experience one tho


Me too @D_and_E . Not something I’ve ever experienced.


Yeah my partner has had them a couple of times before. Only seems to happen if he’s really horny and it has been longer than usual.

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Very rarely do I get wet dreams, if I do it’s usually because I’ve not ejaculated for a lengthy period of time, if he wants to stop his wet dreams the solution is probably more regular sex and masturbation. I think it’s something you should just laugh off and think it’s just like being a teenager again but nothing to be embarrassed by really.

I had a few when a teenager but quickly found that some self loving kept them in check. Now a regular and active love life has meant they are a thing of the past.

@D_and_E @broom Glad im not alone on this one! I always wondered if I was a little odd for not having them. I can not really recall many sex orientated dreams either to be truthful.

Such a shame!


@JustSomeFun I assume it’s because I’ve been masterbating from a relatively young age and always very frequently from then on

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I am also a member of this club, my body probably struggles to keep up as it is, haha!

Glad I’m not the only woman to orgasm in their sleep! Usually with a fruity dream to remember…
Perfectly natural for anybody.


Oh I wish!

I have pretty odd dreams most nights but rarely anything sexual - even though I mostly read a sexy story or two before I go to sleep…

I’d love to have a wet dream or several. That would be much nicer than my usual dreams…

Lots of views around when it happens especially with regards to not ejaculating, I can’t say this has ever been the case for me, the recent wet dream I had was during one of those golden periods when sex and or masturbation was plentiful and there is always self masturbation in there also.

Wet dreams are very unpredictable, extremely hot and intense and never something to be embarrassed about, waking up Suddenly in the pitch black as you Cum Not truly knowing what is going on, but all those visions from the dream in your head… yep I absolutely love the very rare occasions when they happen and they do make a great morning conversation to hopefully make your OH wet.


I also feel a little left out , have never had one . Off the top of my head I do not think I am not horny enough . I guess my brain thinks of sex enough during my awakening hours that it takes my sleep time off . Very few sex related dreams , darn it .