Men - neuter at birth??

Ha! Actually I could do with ideas. Was thinking sailing or rock climbing or something?


sublimelonglegs wrote:

Sounds improbable but don't rule out Facebook etc. I met up with my man on there (after 20 years earlier going to the same school) platonically, in the summer. Well, it was platonic for a couple of hours!

On there people know you already or vaguely from the past etc. They can learn about the real you from your profile and if you start chatting, who knows where it may lead.

Never say never, you are gorgeous inside as well as out so someone will see that soon and not just want to jump your beautifully formed bones.

Imagine how I felt after leaving my husband of 16 years at my age with my baggage. You have so much to look forward to, lets hope 2009 is your year.

Love Legs xx

Oh my god me too!!! I met my boyfriend on facebook after we had been apart for 16 years, we had been friends through school since the age of about five (i think), and dated as teenagers, each of us were kind of brought onto facebook by friends and managed to find each other! Now living 200 miles apart mind you, but its something we are working on!!

I also left my husband at the beginning of this year after 14yrs of a really bad marriage and with four kids!! Didn't expect to ever have another relationship again! Let alone to have been reunited with my true love! (wait till he see's i have written that! External Media)

Just goes to show you never know what is around the corner!!!

Ooh good idea!

Aw Libby that's great!

If you go to the Balet there's loads of buff men in tight fitting outfits. Although I thought there was something off about them... ah well.

I know i feel so happy and special at the minute!!! Took me long enough to find him tho!!! I hope you find someone decent soon.

I've just thought- if you neuter them, then would they lose their sex drive? Surely it'd have to be lobotomy at birth?!

crayola wrote:

I've just thought- if you neuter them, then would they lose their sex drive? Surely it'd have to be lobotomy at birth?!

Do men ever lose their sex drive!?

Yes I want them to lose the sex drive, coz then they wouldn't act like dogs. I would then control the use of viagra to satisy women's needs JESTING!!!!!

imeldaimelda wrote:

Yes I want them to lose the sex drive, coz then they wouldn't act like dogs. I would then control the use of viagra to satisy women's needs External Media JESTING!!!!!

Like the "Stepford Husbands" External Media


(I know you're kidding External Media xx)

Ha! exactly bingo!

sublimelonglegs wrote:

Sounds improbable but don't rule out Facebook etc. I met up with my man on there (after 20 years earlier going to the same school) platonically, in the summer. Well, it was platonic for a couple of hours!

On there people know you already or vaguely from the past etc. They can learn about the real you from your profile and if you start chatting, who knows where it may lead.

Never say never, you are gorgeous inside as well as out so someone will see that soon and not just want to jump your beautifully formed bones.

Imagine how I felt after leaving my husband of 16 years at my age with my baggage. You have so much to look forward to, lets hope 2009 is your year.

Love Legs xx

Hi Legs, good luck with your meeting with the parasite, oops sorry solicitor !!! all a bit close for me re what has just happened to me but l can be happy for you two !!


Aaaaa run for your lives! Zombies loose!

Well zombie threads anyway... Me thinks this is an old thread VM.