Men’s LH Underwear - Does it turn you on

So, let me share two stories with you here, and then I think (I hope) I’ll kind of answer your question.

The first is about my neighbour, he’s both deeply insecure and incredibly arrogant: A few days ago he was talking to me about dressing sexy for his “girlfriend” (yes, I’m still certain that she isn’t real because she still hasn’t been round yet) and I openly said “fair enough, it wouldn’t do anything for me personally”, and he was certain that it would. Honey, believe me when I tell you this, if I say a guy can go overkill, he can go overkill. No man wants to be laughed out of the bedroom, I’m quite sure!

Now, on the flipside, my husband bought some funny cotton boxers for our wedding night that simply read “sex god” on the thigh - it’s an inside joke and a reference to an ancedote he once read from my diary. It was so unexpected and it completely caught me off gaurd, but I fell for him over again in that moment. To boot, I think his normal Fenchurch everyday boxers are far sexier on him than something wet look would be, but then, he knows I don’t find strippers attractive!

I hope that answers your question :slight_smile: have fun!