A Catfish, Caught

Hey Lovehoney,

I previously shared my suspicions of my neighbour catfishing me, well, on Monday it all came to a head. I’d had my suspicions for a while now but, without any hard evidence, it’s hard to call out a catfish.

Since my previous post, my neighbour split from Girlfriend (hereby shortened to GF) #3, supposedly, after she allegedly cheated on him. I consoled him through that, being a good friend and all, and Sunday, he told me that he was going on a date.

I wished him luck, you know, as a friendly neighbour would. Actually, I’d done the whole “friendly neighbour” thing the day before too, telling him not to go on the date if he didn’t want to go on the date - after all, he said that he had reservations about going.

To be totally honest, then again, I wasn’t completely sure that he was going on the aforementioned date anyway, after all, I remain 99% certain that his previous girlfriend was completely made up. I’d met all of his other girlfriends before her but this one was allegedly very, very very shy - despite apparently being an OnlyFans model!

As of late, my neighbour has been playing the jealous card against me a lot: showing me photos (that may or may not have been these women), letting GF #3 (his now “ex”) text with me, talking/texting (in detail) about his sex life to me, asking me to read his NSFW story (which basically features a character that he wishes was him) and now telling me all about his date with GF #4. He’s not succeeded in making me jealous, though. If anything, then he’s been so obvious with his “Red pill” game-playing that he’s only succeeded in turning me off!

On Monday, his date supposedly arrives, and nt neighbour messages to let me know how sexy and confident she is and how good she looks, even without any make-up on (a sidenote: this is a possibly a compliment in disguise; I’m quite confident and flirtatious and I don’t wear make-up most days, either). He messages me again and again about their date, so I respond and tell him that out of respect for his date, I’m not going to keep messaging him. It’s only right, right? It’s a “respecting boundaries” thing.

Suddenly, neighbour panics. He tells me that it’s okay with GF #4 if I keep messaging him on their date, I even get a message from GF #4 (on his account) shortly after, confirming the fact. The way that GF 3, GF #4 and my neighbour text is remarkably similar too, even with GF #4 throwing in lots of girly emojis to try and throw me off the scent.

I got fed up with my neighbour’s antics as it was disrupting my workout time - NOBODY gets to disrupt my “me” time!

So I called him out and I told him that this little charade of his needs to stop. I showed him that I had proof that one of the photos he’d sent me - of a bed he’d supposedly built for GF #4 - had been ripped right off of some poor guy’s Pinterest board; I’d found it by plugging the image he sent me into Google Lens (he hadn’t even bothered to edit it). I even told him that I did like him as a person, but that these little “games” of his had ruined any chance of building a clower bond between us - he is now very, very firmly outside of my Circle Of Trust! My neighbour immediately attempts to gaslight me; he tries to deny all knowledge of any wrongdoing and says that it is “wild” that I might like him, he even tries to imply that I’m the one acting irrationally and says that he only sees me as a friend. So I told him that whatever is going on, I still find it incredibly childish that he’s letting his “girlfriends” message me on Facebook. Hubby nor I do that, I tell him, because we don’t feel the need to.

Neighbour offered to bring his new girlfriend around to meet me yesterday, so I said that sure, I would love to meet her. He then sent me a couple of photos of the night sky from wherever he was, confirming that he is out and that he’s “definitely not” playing games with me - he even sent me a voice message, you know, just so I could tell that he wasn’t at home. The photos are very vague - three shots of a cloudy night sky with what appears to be a clothesline with some clothes pegs, some trees and possibly a thumb or finger partially over the lens. I didn’t deny that Mark isn’t at home, but I do believe that he’s not with another lady. The “lady”, I still believe, is just an attempt to try and manipulate my feelings.

Yesterday morning, I apologised first:

I’m sorry that I made things awkward for you last night, I didn’t mean to, I’m happy for your new relationship and I don’t want to intrude. I meant what I said though, that my being overly involved in your relationships is frustrating for me and I would like it to stop. Rest assured that I’m over any feelings I had, last night only showed me why we wouldn’t work out anyway. I will be cutting contact on Facebook, if it can’t be treated with respect then I’m not willing to make it a mode of contact. I’ll see you around.

I have no sympathy for him, nor does hubby, and nor would most people I know. In the words of my beloved late father, “if you play stupid games, you’ll win stupid prizes.”

There hasn’t been any sign of my neighbour for two days now; no knock on our door, no voices in the garden and no new girl has introduced herself to me. I wonder why that might be?

Have you ever catfished or been catfished? What was your story?


Luckily it has never happened to me, it seems reading your post, that if your neighbour put half as much effort in to their real life as they do their fake persona, then they might achieve what they crave with another person.

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It’s just sad, really, really sad. I know why he does it, I used to be a liar myself (albeit I was trying to protect myself from abuse, rather than decieve someone for personal gain). He’s deeply insecure (obvious if you met him), but what makes it so sad is that he is a good guy, he is sweet and kind and smart and loveable, he protects me and he’s always been there for me when I’ve needed him. I do love him in my own little way, we do get on well and we do have a lot of flirty banter between us, he just doesn’t believe he is loveable and that’s not my problem to fix. Heck, I was even close to asking hubby if we could waive our rule about me not dating our neighbours before all this business kicked off, that’s how well we get along.

Basically, he’s messed up what was a very good situation for him and I think his absence is a reflection of him realising that.

Love this quote! I might need to borrow it sometime.

Yes I have been catfished a few times and even bagged me a stalker who still casually pops up trying to be different people but I’ve managed to see the signs and turned it into somewhat a positive outlook that someone would go to all this effort to try gain my attention lol

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Do it! It definitely helps. I do use FAFO (“F*ck Around & Find Out”) and “sounds like a you problem” as well. Actually, I thank my toxic ex for the last one - I was having a bad day and just wanted a bit of sympathy like, and instead of being sweet and caring, that’s what he said to me. So, when we broke up after months of him emotionally abusing me and trying to gaslight me (I’d been logging everything) and he realised what a great woman he was losing, guess what i said to him? He wasn’t so cocksure then! :joy: Oh, by the way, my life has definitely inproved since him, in fact, I got affiliated with another company just this morning. I love singing Ava Max’s “Who’s Laughing Now?” whenever I think of him, because i’m definitely the one who is laughing now :joy:

Stalkers are always fun, I had one of those too for about three years. We met online and then in person and he seemed nice enough, shy and quite awkward but hey, give a guy a chance. He mentioned marriage on our second date and he kept calling me “Mistress” in public, even when I’d asked him not to, so I had to shake him. After that, he kept buying new SIMs and creating new emails to contact me, and if I posted on the (now defunct) forum then he’d twist my posts about my new partner to suggest that they were about him, even though we were long over. Yeah, I dodged a bullet there lol.

The neighbour is home now, he slinked in late last night. I plan to have some fun and make myself super nice and pretty today, let him see what he could have had if only he’d played nice :wink:


Haha brilliant!! I may take notes of them quotes too! :smile: love a good play on words.

So glad you’re in a much better place and let’s see how your neighbour reacts! :crazy_face:

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I had a stalker once. Have to admit I didn’t find mine fun. In the end, a rather large well built friend of mine went to “have a word” whilst I peeped from behind a curtain. Whatever was said did the trick. I didn’t ask. I didn’t want to know.


Glad you had a friend that could help @KinkyMira :people_hugging:


Its good to friends like that when you need them. @KinkyMira


@AJSTAR I saw him Monday, he hardly said a word. I overheard someone else threaten to “bang” him yesterday as well so it doesn’t seem like it’s just me he’s been upsetting :joy:

@KinkyMira my mother had a word with my first one. If people think I’m scary, Mum is the untamed version lol.


Haha oh dear he’s making it onto a few hit lists then :sweat_smile:


I revert to an earlier statement - “play silly ganes, win silly prizes” :joy:


I sense he’s got a shock awakening coming his way soon when it all comes to a head! Maybe set up a nice seat and some popcorn for the fireworks :laughing:

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I DO have a popcorn maker and my bed IS in front of the bedroom window, which is on the ground floor and fscing the street. How convenient? :joy:


That tale was less Catfish and more Obsessed Creepoid Stalker. You are right to break contact with this individual.

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I try and avoid him as much as possible now. He thinks we’re still friendly, we’re not, actually i even quite like the days when he doesn’t try and engage me in conversation.

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