Men with / without pubic hair?

My boyfriend said he had been trimming his pubes since he was 18, a little before we got together and has been shaving them all since then, 3 years now. I really like him with no hair there and he says it feels much better for him and he wouldn’t want it to grow back.

We have been reading the forums together recently and have read about laser hair removal and he has said he would really like to get this done. It seems this would be long lasting / permanent and I’m just thinking about how many men remove everything, or if it even matters if we both like it?

Does anyone have any info or see any problem at all? Anyone else in their early 20’s gone for full laser removal?


I’ve pretty much been hairless for the last 3 years.

Only just started my own journey of home laser removal. I can’t seem to find many places in south England that do permanent for men

I will see how well the home IPL goes (only on week 1 currently) and go from there

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Man up lol

I would love a permanent solution to not have to keep shaving the fun zone. :rofl:

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I definitely prefer my love life since going mostly bare down there. I feel more, see more …

I just started tweezing out hairs until I got right to the base … then gradually pulled out the longest hairs that were left over time. Now all I have are soft hairs about 1cm long on my body and nothing elsewhere. All I need to do is pluck 10-15 hairs every 2-3 days and it’s maintained.

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I started shaving myself and my wife a few years ago and we both prefer it in terms of visuals and sensitivity.

In fact she prefers me with as little body hair as possible so I am shaved completely apart from my arms and legs. I shave what I can reach and she does my back and bum.

I have tried waxing (too many ingrown hairs), an electric epilator (same problem), hair removal creams (chemical burns) and a home IPL (ineffective) but in the end, for me, it’s just simpler to shave every 3 or 4 days.

I had full laser hair removal years ago and haven’t looked back. It has become very popular with men in recent years.

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I’ve said this before but I shave mine all off as it visually gives that extra couple of inches. Any little helps :rofl:

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Both myself and wife buffed…not sure about laser if you have moles etc in that are.?
Would certainly try waxing though.

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I always like to be smooth and have shaved for too many years. I’ve also had two intimate waxes, which I find really hurts me when having my testicles waxed
Only just recently I have looked into being lasered I would like for this to be done

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In the late 80’s for a while at least you could buy g strings in top shop, i hated all the hair out of the sides so started shaving there and never looked back

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Either, I’m not fussed.

Moles are covered with a white pencil while undergoing the laser treatment as the laser works on pigment.


I had 4-5 brozillian waxes done before (butt, groin, shaft and balls)

It looked great but I didn’t keep ontop of Ingrowing hairs, and the cost did add up.

Well worth a try however if you don’t want to try home IPL

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Been hair free in my play zone for 35 years . Over that time I shaved and then went to home sugar waxing . I have never had any problems with ingrown hair . After repeated sugar waxing the hair returns softer . I bought an IPL home unit and it had similar results to waxing . My problem was I waited until too old , white or light grey is not effected much by laser . I check my local prices for professional laser removal and found it very expensive . From the interest in the ladies at the shop , I thought they might give me a senior discount . :joy:
I love being totally hairless all under .

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@Whitewave … thank you…that is interesting to know.

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I’ve had laser hair removal before and to note it’s not always like a magic treatment as it can be costly and will need multiple sessions over time to keep it up. If anything it’ll thin out the hair regrowth.

Been clean shaven for 25 years down there. Never had laser , shave every couple days it’s a habit now I guess.

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Couple of comments regarding laser from me (a guy):

@Iwill I have one mole that my tech just zaps around, but doesn’t go over it. I imagine if you have many, that could present an issue as it’s a pretty large attachment on the front of the device that goes against your skin.

@Whitewave Interesting about covering the mole with a white pencil. I’ll ask my tech about that. Makes sense to me.

I love being totally clean down there and honestly have gone with a full brazilian instead of just the front, as it wasn’t too much more expensive. Having a hairless buttcrack might actually be the best part. The sessions go so fast and it’s only awkward if you make it awkward. It doesn’t work as well on my balls (and honestly doesn’t hurt as much as my groin area), and the hair my booty cheeks is too white/fine to be effective so I haven’t tried it there, but I also like shaving those. Clean for me :ok_hand:


@onlysortabixxx . Thanks for the feed back.:+1:

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