:lh_heart_purple: Mon Ami Mayhem - Review these Mon Ami products!

Hey All,

I’ve got my mittens of a whole heap of our Lovehoney Mon Ami products that I can send out for review! Normal One Month deadline for these ones.

Items are:

Lovehoney mon ami Trio of Vibrating Massagers

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator

Lovehoney mon ami Rechargeable Remote Control Panty Vibrator

Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg

Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager

Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug

If any of these look like something you would like to review then comment down below which (in order of preference) you would like to review.
Status: :lh_heart_purple: Regular Deadline: :green_heart: One Month

Some points to remember:

  • Make sure you have live reviews - You will not be picked otherwise.
  • Make sure your address is up to date - We can only send to what you have listed in your account.
  • Ensure you can review the item in the time frame required - If you think it is not possible please do not put your name forward. Also please make sure you can test the item selected.
  • Comment with the item you would like - in order of preference. I will not pick anyone that says ‘all’ or ‘any’ due to the way I search the thread for testers.

For more detailed info check out the The Great Big Review and Testing Guide


We’d like to help :slight_smile:

Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager

Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug

Thanks x

Hi there, we’d love to help review any of these.
Lovehoney mon ami Rechargeable Remote Control Panty Vibrator
Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg
Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug

I would love to trial the Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg / looks fun

Hi Brenna,

I’d love to test

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator

Hi Brenna,

We would love to test and review the

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator


Oooh @Lovehoney_Brenna we’d love to test some of these!

Here’s our order of preference

[Lovehoney mon ami Rechargeable Remote Control Panty Vibrator]

[Lovehoney mon ami Trio of Vibrating Massagers]

[Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator]

[Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug]

They all sound fun!

Many thanks as always for the opportunities to test - its much appreciated!

Hi Brenna,

Really happy to test / review really any of these for you, but if we had to put down a preference:

  1. Lovehoney mon ami Trio of Vibrating Massagers
  2. Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager
  3. Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator
  4. Lovehoney mon ami Rechargeable Remote Control Pantry Vibrator
  5. Lovehoney mon ami Remote control Vibrating Love Egg
  6. Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug

Thanks for your consideration

Hi, we are interested in reviewing any of these three!

  1. Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager
  2. Lovehoney mon ami Rechargeable Remote Control Panty Vibrator
  3. Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator


  1. trio of massagers
  2. remote panty vibrator
  3. g-spot massager
  4. butt plug


Hey Brenna, would love to help review these! Order of preference below:-
1- panty vibrator
2- finger clitoral massager
3- butt plug
4- g-spot massager
5- trio
6- love egg


I would love to review

Lovehoney mon ami Trio of Vibrating Massagers please.

Many thanks


Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager :slight_smile:

We can happily test the below in the timeframe

Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager

Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator

Lovehoney mon ami Rechargeable Remote Control Panty Vibrator

We can test any of these ones:

Hi Brenna,

Would love to test and review the following in order of preference:

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator

Lovehoney mon ami Trio of Vibrating Massagers

Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg

Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager


Hello, Brenna.

We would love to road test the:

Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug

and review the product for you.

Thank you,

Hi, I’d be interested in testing these in the following order:

  1. Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug
  2. Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager
  3. Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg.

Would love to test and review any of these, listed in order of preference. Wife has become a connoisseur of suction vibes and always loves to give her opinion when there’s something new!

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator
Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug
Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager

We would be interested in testing a few of these in this order:
Lovehoney mon ami Silicone Vibrating Butt Plug

Lovehoney mon ami Thrillseeker Finger Clitoral Suction Stimulator

Lovehoney mon ami G-Spot Massager

Lovehoney mon ami Remote Control Vibrating Love Egg