
My latest mortified scenario didn't exactly keep it in the family. Told by my landlord that electricians would contact me to arrange checking some wiring, I was caught on the hop when they arrived unannounced early the next morning to start work. Answering the door unwittingly, I had to let them in and nearly died when after speaking to them for a few minutes turned to see the large almost pornographic box for my latest tester dildo inflatable cushion sitting in full view on the stair behind me leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. As if that wasn't bad enough showing one of the lads upstairs there on the top landing in all its glory sat the offensive article itself with dildo standing proud. By this time I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. Not realising they would practically be turning the house upside down, living alone there were any number of sex toys and lingerie pieces in full view in the bedrooms.
Both electricians were very gracious saying not to apologise but 5 hrs !!! later once their work was done they must have had a good old laugh. I will forever have nightmares about the whole episode.!!!