My Reviews

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Remote Control Rechargeable Vibrating Boxers Set
by @PleasureDrone, 13 March 2021
Remote Control Rechargeable Vibrating Boxers Set


At last - something for penis-owners!

Overall Rating: 4/5 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

I was sent this as a pre-market test item, so am unaware of its intended price point.

I’ve always rather envied people with a clitoris because of the many panty-vibe products they can enjoy, so when a similar item aimed at penis-owners was offered for testing, I jumped at the chance to review it.

The pack is cleverly designed, in that - although it displays the contents in a blister pack and describes quite clearly what the product is - the overall effect doesn’t scream “Sex Toy!” If this were on display in my local department store along with other packs of mens’ briefs etc., I don’t think I’d realise it was a sex toy until I’d had a careful read of the wording on the box.

The boxers are a 95% Cotton / 5% Spandex mix, which makes them plenty stretchy, snug in all the right places (very important!) and with all the comfort and breathability you expect from cotton. I like them and could see myself using them just as a garment for everyday wear. Inside, there are 3 oblong pouches into which you can fit the vibe toy. The pouches are positioned above each other vertically. If you arrange your fabulous bits in such a way that your (flaccid) penis is pointing upwards toward the waistband, the 3 pouches give you a choice of holding the vibe toy against:

a) the penis shaft/head (this may change if you become erect!)
b) the scrotum
c) the perineum (between your legs)

I’m rather fond of anal stimulation, so ideally I would have liked a 4th pocket that holds the vibe against that area - but y’know what? If you or your OH are handy with a sewing machine, you could easily add your own extra pockets wherever you like!

The toy has two parts: the vibe itself, which has a pleasingly sculpted shape (hard to describe - a bit like a curved, elongated teardrop) and the “wristwatch” remote control, which looks very like those fitness-monitor devices everyone’s wearing nowadays - very inconspicuous. Both items are finished in velvety-smooth black silicone. The vibe part also has (for no reason beyond decoration) a little chrome panel.

I won’t go into detail about the standby/switch-on routine. Suffice to say that you have to put the vibe toy into standby mode before the remote will make it do anything (makes sense). The process involves flashing LEDs and I got the hang of it very quickly without having to consult the instructions - just as well, as they are in incredibly tiny print. Even with good eyesight, you’d need a powerful magnifying glass to make them out at all.

The charging cable has a standard USB plug at one end and two mini-jack plugs at the other: one for each device. The fun here is in locating the jack socket holes in each unit! Because the whole kit is intended to be waterproof, the holes are very tiny indeed, made to be self-healing - so tiny that you may not believe the jack plugs are going to fit into them. Don’t worry - just push them in and they will. You may have to look at the devices under a strong light to actually see the holes: one is at the blunt end of the vibe toy and the other is on the side of the remote control. Once plugged in, LEDs on both devices flash during charging. When charging is complete the LEDs glow continuously.

I began with the vibe in the uppermost (penis) pouch. The sensations were very pleasant, although I suspect that prolonged application of the vibe in such a sensitive area could eventually lead to numbing. Consequently, whether I would achieve orgasm by use of this toy alone is debatable. This is entirely a personal thing, though: I’m sure it will be different for every user. It does not diminish the toy in my opinion one bit. It’s FUN!

Next I tried the middle (scrotum) pocket. OH… MY… GOD!!! This had me dancing around the room, making strange noises and giggling! This position is (for me) an absolute torment of pleasure. I can imagine it being used to wickedly torturous effect if the remote were in the possession of a partner with a devious sense of fun. Absolutely fabulous sensations - almost too much to bear. Very much a case of “Oh god, stop it! …No, don’t!”

Finally, I tried the vibe in the lowest (perineum) pocket. While not as overwhelmingly intense as the previous option, this provided a lot of pleasure too - the kind of vibes you want to “lean into”, if you know what I mean. Very interesting sensations, especially when sitting down. Lots of territory to explore in further play. Woohoo!

The range of 12 vibration patterns from this toy is truly impressive. Unlike many vibe toys, you don’t just get a selection of “variations on the same theme”. The quality and speed of vibration varies from one setting to another, ranging from fizzy to rumbly, and on at least one setting the intensity swells and decays in a manner I found truly delicious - that one kinda made me go all moany and dreamy. I’ll be doing that again!

I don’t currently have a partner, and in all conscience didn’t really feel I could nip next door and ask my elderly neighbour to give the remote a workout for me while I writhed bizarrely on a distant street corner, so I’m unable to report on this aspect. The box says it works at up to 10 metres, and I have no reason to doubt it.

This is such a difficult one to answer - it’s so subjective. Would I call it noisy? Not excessively so. It is audible, though. In a busy environment (doing the supermarket shop?) it would probably go unnoticed. Anywhere quieter (a mostly empty restaurant?) I’m not so sure. I suspect that if I were wearing this device and had it buzzing away in my pants while sat at the bus stop, at least one of my fellow passengers would be bound to wonder why my phone kept vibrating and why I didn’t answer the damned thing!

VERDICT: One test session was enough to convince me. This product is a winner. 9/10

Pros: The many options it offers for creative play

Cons: Nothing

Bottom Line: Tons of fun!