Never had a wet dream before

So I am a 20 year old woman and throughout my life I’ve never had a wet dream. Is this normal? I know both men and women can have them but I never have. I mostly dream about random stuff like being a mother, doing every day tasks etc but never anything sexual. In my waking life I am horny a lot of the time but not in my dreams and I don’t know if I’ll ever have a wet dream.


I’m with you @sharbur . I think I had a couple as a kid but as a 40’s male, it never happens to me. I have dreams about sex but only usually after a 9-10 day drought. Otherwise it’s dreams about normal stuff too. That being said I do get wet reading in here and thinking about sex…totally different pre-cum conversation…

I wouldn’t worry about not having one yet or even at all. I believe I had my first wet dream at around 27? I rarely have any sexual dreams and even when I do, it doesn’t always result in a wet dream for me.

My first one seemed to come from trying to suppress kinks? Like I tried not thinking about sexualising monsters. Just passing it off as they’re cool or something. And then my unconscious mind is just like “I know you wanna fuck 'em! Stop lying to yourself, girl! Enjoy your wet dream :smiling_imp:”.


I don’t think I have but as a woman not sure I would know if I had. I have dreamt about sex and orgasmed in them but not sure my body has actually reacted.
I wouldnt worry about it though. You may never. I suppose its one of those things we can’t control

50 something male here.

I had lots of wet dreams when I was going through puberty but not for years now. I almost always read Literotica last thing at night, masturbate at least once a day and have wonderful sexy times with Mrs300 but never have a wet dream, unfortunately.

My dreams are usually about work or weird stuff totally unrelated to sex, unfortunately…!

I wish I could have regular wet dreams…

Considerably older than you and never had one, yes it is normal.

I wouldn’t worry about it, not everyone gets them and every body is different. You could still have them.
I get them quite a few times a week. I’m 35 and I’ve only just started to have them the past few years. When we’ve been laying in bed, I’ve been asleep and I’ll start to moan and groan and grind on his leg and I’ll start to toss him off, he’ll wake me up by kissing me and he’ll notice how wet I am and the sheets sometimes.

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I get them when I haven’t had sex in a while usually after 2-3 weeks, but I always wake up before I can finish so not sure it counts as a wet dream

I’m in my forties and can only really say that I’ve been having them in the last ten-ish years, so try not to worry that they haven’t happened to you yet.

It’s crazy to think that the mind is so powerful to trigger such a response, but there you go. Mine might be a few times per month, are random scenarios and can be with anyone, even strangers. My OH has never said that he’s noticed so I must be quiet when it happens.

There are some interesting reads on Lucid Dreaming and how to control your dreams by reading ahead of bed time, the things you think of, how to track your dreams and not only control what you dream but to control your actions inside your dream.

If you haven’t read about it, do a Google search and read on it. Some of it is pretty crazy. I think it should be the next 50 Shades of Gray concept cause if it is true, some of the things that people can do in their dreams is fantastic!

I have sexy dreams frequently where I wake up with a hard on, just when I’m on the brink. Sometimes I’ll wake up 3 or 4 times a night. They only times this ended up in ejaculation was when I was in hospital and I’d wake up having cum in my PJs, which could be a bit embarrassing when the nurses came to give me a blanket bath. It got to the point where I asked if I could bathe myself to be able to clean up rather than be caught covered in cum. :grin:

Not read anything on the subject, I have had a few dreams where I was being chased or in a similar situation and have taken control. Would love to be able to control a dream where sex was about to happen as it’s always at that point I wake up :upside_down_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have had dreams where I realise I’m dreaming and then do things for the fun if it. I need to be quick though cos as soon as I’m aware I have about 30 seconds before I wake up.

I don’t think it matters if you have them or not - either is normal.

I’ve never had one and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything :sweat_drops:

I wouldn’t worry too much at this stage. I think I was about 30-ish (?) when I had my one and only wet dream and, depending on where you’re sleeping, can be a good thing or a bad thing! It’s quite erotic when it happens but to be honest if it never happens again I’m not going to be fussed about it. I’d rather wake up horny and ready for action rather than sticky and spent (but of course women can have more than one…) :slight_smile:
Just relax, enjoy your sleep and if it happens, it happens.

People are more prone to have them during puberty or if you have lack of masturbation/sex but also if the mind is too occupied with other things then it can decrease chances of having a wet dream.
This however in my opinion isn’t a bad thing as wet dreams are so messy and having to then get up in the night half asleep to change bedsheets and clothing is just annoying lol

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I was getting them alot but I haven’t had them in the last few years, so desperately wanting them to come back, I thought they had probably stopped due to a rough relationship breakup but that was 4 years ago.

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I’ve had a few but generally woke just at the point of orgasm and experienced it while awake. :sweat_drops: Mostly my dreams are more foreplay or looking for somewhere to masturbate without being seen although I orgasmed in a dream last week without cumming.

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I never woke up at the point of having one, but I use to have a lot of dry dreams the intense feeling of cuming but when I woke up no cum, each time the dry one would happen I would have to check myself and bed sheets as I really felt I cum BIG time. Those times were great having the feeling and no need to clean up so I could go back to sleep feeling excited and happy.

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30s male - had them while I was a teenager and recently had them again, a couple of times a week for the last month or so. I think it’s because I’ve come off antidepressants but doctor not convinced there is a direct link