
Hey All.

So I may have mentioned a few times on here that we have been very busy at Lovehoney HQ of recent.

We already let you in on a well kept secret, that the warehouse was launched in Oz. That was a biggie!

Well that is not all, we now have a brand *spanking* new home page. This has been a great effort by all at Lovehoney and what a fresh new look this is... well we think so anyways .

To accompany this new web layout we also have two yes TWO cheeky new adverts that are set to air tonight. So much EXCITE! If you would like a preview you can hop on Youtube and take a look. Let us know what you think.

That is not all!

We also have a blog that gives you an insight to the making of this advert. Lots and lots of hard work has been put into all these updates and we could not be prouder of our company.

Phew it has been busy. So let's talk about sex... TOYS!
