NIPPLES! - New rule

I can’t see any nipple so you’re all good! :smiley:


I just want to say how I feel about this.

I’m 100% for breaking down sexist double standards, but I don’t believe that’s achieved by a measure such as this, which IMO is just kow-towing to prudery - the same kind of prudery that currently has some male forum members feeling they have to paste daft smiley emojis over perfectly innocuous pics of their flaccid bits in a thong, even though the forum rules actually only forbid “erections visible through clothing”.

Now this new rule is in place, the real, glaring double standard we have on this forum is that any member (although in practice it’s overwhelmingly the females - and there’s another discussion we could have about social norms) can post a blatantly provocative photo of themself knelt on a bed with their ass in the air on the pretext that they are modelling lingerie, but a guy isn’t allowed to display the same amount of bare chest I could see on any warm summer day just walking down the street. Go figure…

The rule is the rule and of course I’ll abide by it - hell, I only ever post photos of my hands anyway - but I feel it’s a move in the wrong direction and personally it troubles me.


The rules definitely forbid penises.

But I can see where you are coming from, it does seem oddly prudish to cover up something people don’t see as inappropriate. But I think that highlights how peculiar it is that “female nipples” have been sexualised to the extent they have. That men walking down the street topless is normal but seeing a “female nipple” is scandalous. Just my 2 cents :joy:


Absolutely, Brenna - there need to be some pretty seismic shifts in Western societal attitudes before women could go about their daily business topless and not attract approbrium and/or unwelcome attention, but I would militate against any move that effectively upholds/validates that sexualisation and then goes on to apply it to men’s nipples as well.

BTW, I’m sure that the mention of penises in the photo rules is referring purely to unclothed ones - i.e. “dick pics” - not a bundle of gentleman’s bits snuggled up in a pair of briefs. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve said before that some of the rules on the forum seem a little hypocritical seeing the target audience of the site is horny folk​:man_shrugging:t2: But the rule is made and I’ll adhere as I should. But think a can of worms could explode! I personally consider a naked bum more sexualized than nipples, and there are plenty of them on show!? Where does it stop? They way things are going men will soon be wearing tee shirts to the swimming pool as someone is offended by nipples …


This isn’t a place to “get off” though, it is a place to get advice and openly discuss sex. The rules are in place to keep this an open environment.


Are you now… :slightly_smiling_face:

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The crucial detail there being that it’s “an extreme close up” that’s not wanted. Photos demonstrating how a pair of briefs look when worn are permitted under the rules.

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Yes, as long as they aren’t a sheer mesh or see-through lace then they won’t need any editing :slight_smile:


Nothing wrong with it if everyone agrees :joy: just very different to breast milk

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@Lovehoney_Brenna I’m not implying that it is a place to “get of”. Plenty other sites for that. Merely stating an opinion.


How so?

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For 1 thing breast milk isn’t classified as a biohazard, semen usually is. For another it’s designed to feed a baby and provide the nutrients they need, no one exactly needs to drink semen (if you want to you can it’s just not exactly essential)


Maybe the ones you’ve seen fell foul of:

Though if people are wearing jeans and still feel the need to censor out the crotch then I don’t know what’s going on. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Both bodily fluids, both need refrigerating at times, both can live in my fridge. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

(Though it seems some labs advise keeping your semen sample at room temperature, so keeping it in the fridge may be a poor idea after all :slightly_smiling_face:)

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Oh yeah again as long as everyone agrees with it it’s fine. I think part of the issue with the example i gave was that it was a communal fridge


This is exactly what women have to do and how a lot of women feel… That’s the point, the double standard is ridiculous.


@SexInTheCity I’d that’s your opinion then fair enough. I don’t try to change others, i just have my own. But in all seriousness where does it end? Should women stop wearing low cut dresses? Should bikinis be banned?! Or should people be allowed to wear what they want without worrying what others think!


I think the end point is when all nipples can be displayed with equal indifference. :+1:


Some fun forum nipple history:

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