No gag reflex..

Make a fist with your left hand, make sure your left thumb is inside the fist so you are squeezing your left thumb hard in between the fingers of your left hand. Now stick your right index finger down your throat....

Mind = blown

NB: I take no responsibility if this goes wrong..I just read it, tried it and was amazed..

I was a little sceptical about trying this..almost like trying to lick your own elbow type thing...but wow!

This may come in handy!!!

Thank you :D:D:D:D:D

jenkat wrote:

I was a little sceptical about trying this..almost like trying to lick your own elbow type thing...but wow!

This may come in handy!!!

Thank you :D:D:D:D:D

Haha well be careful..I'm not sure if it only applies to putting your right index finger down your throat

hehehe....funnily enough im quite interested in finding out! Just need a willing volunteer.... :P

Im amazed this works

it doesnttttttttt :(

if you lie on your side you can put it down your throat for like 5 er thrusts, but holding my thumb doesnt change anything

Dont stick your tounge out


I use this method, really helps!

fistinglover69 wrote:

it doesnttttttttt :(

if you lie on your side you can put it down your throat for like 5 er thrusts, but holding my thumb doesnt change anything

keep your tounge in ur mouth and go "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" like what the doctor makes you do to check ur throat :)

i do! hahaha

i am about to practise this with my dildo, brb

nope! doesnt work!

i cant do it with a dildo either :( but would like to be able to :)

poor us : (

i have a mazzy mouth too, you'd think id have a mazzy throat to go with it hahaha

the LH sex tips has this

i suppose a reflex is a reflex not everyone is the same

Interesting.. but I'm not about to try this.. i just ate :-/

I haven't tried this but I find opening your throat like you do when you yawn helps when you're trying to suppress the gag reflex

Nope, definitely gagged! Although I did stick it down quite far..

strange feeling but i can gag anyways with practise i can swallow and eight inch dildo no probs

Didn't work for me :( I'll keep trying though lol!