No more shame

I have spent so many years feeling ashamed about sex that I’ve decided enough is enough and have started reviewing sex toys on my YouTube channel this is my first one
Satisfyer Penguin Unboxing & Review 18+ & We-Vibe Gala Unboxing

Removed - Competitor mentions


Be careful posting stuff like this as I believe it goes against forum rules, but may be mistaken.

Have a good look at the rules before posting more videos

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I’m not sure of the rules on posting this type of content. I know that I was allowed to post a text link off to my blog when it first started, but I’m not sure how it would work with YT videos. Otherwise you could potentially just be posting/spamming here every time you post a video which would of course devalue the community.

(I’m not saying that’s what your doing it’s just an example.)

Probably worth asking @Lovehoney_Brenna if this cool.

I know that there are certain rules about posting links to competitors.


Correct! Blogs/Vlogs can be posted as long as they don’t feature or promote competitors :slight_smile:

@RCChick as long as the video doesn’t mention/promote competitors you can share it, unfortunately this one does, so I have had to remove it. :slight_smile:


Ok sorry I didn’t realise Cus I had bought the we vibe from lovehoney I didn’t think about the potential of promoting another company and I apologise. To the other commenters thank you for making me aware of my error I was jus very excited to introduce myself and I though that would be a good way as I’m not so good at introducing myself in forums ect. It always feels kinda weird and forced so I thought a quick intro and a related video might be a better way.


Hello and welcome to the forum :wave:

It was a well made video

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Hi @RCChick :wave:
Welcome to the forum!

I didn’t see the video but have a read around the forum and join in. I promise we’re a nice, friendly bunch :blush:.

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Welcome to the forum @RCChick :wave:

:clap::clap::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Well said! And well done setting up your own YT channel x


Welcome to the forum :wave:

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Thank you all u guys, this was very nice to come back and read. Had a bit of a panic after I realised I had mindlessly broken a rule and felt really bad. Everyone seems really nice. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey welcome to the forum and so happy to hear you’ve come to embrace your sexual side as a positive to openly explore :partying_face:

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Thank you me too. I grew up in the cult of Jehovahs witnesses and that makes you feel very ashamed of sex especially if you are like me it made me even more curious. Even though I’m not in it anymore I’ve still always carried a lot of guilt. I actually have CPTSD from my time within it. But I won’t feel guilt anymore though. It’s totally fine for women to enjoy sex and I think when more of us are openly talking about it hopefully it won’t be so taboo in general


Love your openness about it all and funny story, I once got a wrong parcel delivered to my house and accidentally opened it which revealed some very erotic cowboy books!
Turned out the address they belonged to was a Jehovah’s house and my friend who lived a few doors from them was in hysterics and insisted they get to deliver the books to them as they’d always been very prudish and snobby to everyone on the street… she said when handing the books over, the lady that answered the door was like a blushing tomato and quickly slammed the door in her face after grabbing the books :sweat_smile:


Oh my god that’s amazing! That made my day :rofl: and I bet she shut the door quick! That kind of “material” can get them kicked out. Thank you for sharing that with me

It was one of the most hilarious experiences I’ve sure had and the books was addressed to her so there was no denying she enjoyed raunchy erotic cowboys :joy: wonder if her husband knows too…

My friend still says occasionally whenever they’ve seen the Jehovah lady out that she can’t even look at them without blushing and power walking passed :sweat_smile:

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Brilliant! My grandfather was very religious, head of R.E. in school and church organist, and totally against any form of sexual enjoyment. :unamused:

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Wonder if he was secretly like a caged tiger full of sexual urges that he was fighting on a daily basis :thinking:

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Some people struggle with “visions” and “temptations” but if he did, he never let on. :innocent:

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Cor sounds like he was a complicated guy or a godly robot lol

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It’s pitiful really because they clearly have the same normal urges as everyone else but the perception of being better than everyone else leads them to feel shame for being the exact same as the rest of us and then they pass those same insecurities and shame mentalities down to their children (us) and now we (me) have to re-educate ourselves about sex and what’s normal as if regular sex Ed wasn’t inadequate enough. It’s jus a shame