Noise of neighbours having sex: turn-on or creep-out?

Juices. We never hear our neighbours, my wife and I found it a turn on while at a nice boutique hotel, had the 4 poster bed, deep bath etc. Next door were screamers.

Tried to find them at breakfast to give them a high five…


Huge turn on for me! Love to hear others enjoying themselves through the wall! :yum::lips:

Usually me making noise especially when we have the house to ourselves, have heard neighbours to screaming harder harder quite e funny actually

Gosh, I’d hate to live next door to us :rofl::see_no_evil:


@VanillaWithSprinkles hi how you doing are you stillnrunning around rp I did 14 miles today

Never hear a thing - old houses with bomb proof walls.

But a son did once say, ‘You two were talking very loudly downstairs last night - couldn’t sleep.’
We were neither talking nor downstairs, and he knew it. 10 /10 for tact.
OH looked rather startled. I said, ‘Would you like us to be quieter?’.
The answer was, ‘yes, please.’ End of.

We both had an inward cringe after that conversation.


So I voted juices, but have to say I’d be somewhat envious being alone and not getting any - the toys are getting boring and diy tiresome, lol…


@MsR I don’t have kids yet but I’d be mortified if they heard me and OH.

Always been a fear of mine if I have kids one day as I’m sure kids have super human hearing sometimes and did mention this to my mum (we’re both open about sex) and she was all just be quiet or find inventive ways to avoid making noise lol

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@EmmaC1989 yes, not ideal. But not awful, either.
We learned that our kids are older and awake for longer, so we take this into account.

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Next door down? Freaked out.

Next door up? Turned on!

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Personally I just think it’s funny :sweat_smile:

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Haha @Bexy im rather vocal myself. I love noise and detest silent sex

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Love to hear you through the wall @Blonde_Bunny!! :yum::lips:

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@Orgasm_Chaser I don’t like hearing other people either. I complained to my parents a few months back I could hear and could they keep it down. Mum apologised, dad told me to grow up and didn’t care if I heard >:|


Like others have said it can be quite erotic when in a hotel or on holidays when you’ve had a few drinks and can sometimes spur us on to join in and out noise them but at home not so much of a turn on

When I had my flat years ago I’m fairly sure my bed hitting the wall, creaking and banging was heard just much as the girl below’s noise travelled upwards when her fella was over!
Was quite interesting!


Depends on who it is and (as @WillC said) the time of day.

Wouldn’t be a turn on of it was family :rofl:

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I have no desire to listen to my neighbours doing anything. In fact, the only way I tolerate living near people is by not being able to hear them do anything.


I had very loud neighbours. I was living in the upstairs flat. They went at like rabbits,loud crys and the wall been banged. Had to go and sleep in the sitting room sometimes.

I must admit, I am a noisy neighbour :woman_facepalming: not all the time but when we get carried away I get noisy :shushing_face: when we do get time away, it is a competition in the hotel and when we get going the others seem to go quiet :rofl: