Off work

Some of you may remember my long post about my home situation a few months ago. It’s sadly an ongoing situation and I am currently off work with mental health issues. I also had blood tests this week which have thrown up an abnormal worrying result that needs investigating. I know how supportive you all are here so I may be around a lot more and may well need support at some times if anyone is able to help. Christmas is heightening my anxieties a bit which isn’t helping. I started counselling through work this week too and that did help a bit so hopefully things will be on the up soon. I work in a school so am off until next week and then it’s the Christmas holidays, currently I’m due to go back to work in January xx

Link to previous post on this issue if anyone is interested!

Wishing a speedy recovery. I think there are many people in situations with illness issues at the moment. Hopefully the counselling will assist you make a quick recovery. I think you know the forum will always be here to support you. Try to relax during your time off and I wish you all the best.


I’m sending all my positive thoughts your way. We are always around if too ever want to vent or just take your mind off things. I know how much this forum has helped me.
Counselling is superb and certainly talking about everything will help :heart:

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Stay strong @Rhilee :muscle:I have been in similar place earlier this year and trust me things do get better in time.
Hopefully result issue gets resolved :crossed_fingers:

Plenty of forum buddies on here if you need advice or getting things off your chest :hugs:

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We’re a very supportive bunch on this forum so don’t hesitate if you need any help or just company in The Lounge or playing games, i wish you all the best. :slight_smile:

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I understand your situation at home and how stressful it is…
I know it’s hard but try not to worry and try and make sure you get some you time…

Keep popping on the forum…there’s always someone on here…

You got this…


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Thank you so much. The counsellor said to me this week that I can’t change my children attitude but I need to change how I react to it, I’m far to eager to please in any way, and far too emotional. I use the term children loosely, they’re 15, 17, 21 and 24, so 2 of them are adults. The eldest has blocked me on everything so I cannot communicate with her at all. The 21 year old will reply to my messages, but very much on her terms, if I ask how she is for example, she never replies, but will reply to messages which need a practical or direct answer.

It was the 17 year olds birthday last month, I went to their fathers with presents, balloons and a cake I made. All 4 were there, but only the birthday girl came to see me for a short time, no doubt to get her presents! The others stayed upstairs laughing and messing around. After 2 hours (my mother and step father were with me) my mother suggested we left. Their father did nothing, or tell them they should come downstairs, or at least, stand on the stairs and say hello! I asked him if the cake got eaten, and they all enjoyed that, he also took some to his mother!!! That’s just one recent example. The counsellor asked if I’d ever had thoughts to end my life. I don’t at all, but I do have thoughts of, what needs to happen for them to break this deadlock. Xx

@Lovehoney_Brenna i really didn’t want these topics merged, as this current issue isn’t totally linked to the previous one. I wanted this new topic to reach out for support in whatever way needed. Not just the issue with my children and partner. Please could you unmerge it x

@Lovehoney_Brenna thank you x

@Rhilee … wishing you all the best and hope everything works out.
We are all here if you need to vent or some support.

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Fingers crossed its nothing serious, definitely counciling will help, try and find something you enjoy doing and start doing that to help as I know your having a nightmare

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Thank you everyone! One session of counselling has already helped, next one is on Monday. I need to get in a place where I can stop questioning how they will react to every little decision I make, I just don’t know how right now. When the children went they took the family dog that we’ve had for 7 years. In fairness, he was officially the 21 year olds, but she’s away in uni! I missed having a dog around so 4 weeks ago I got a puppy. He is adorable, I don’t know if I can put a photo of him on here​:woman_shrugging:The tears and anxiety I had over deciding to do that was immense. I worried they’d say I was replacing the dog. Two of them (17 and 21 year olds) have seen him and were great with him. The 15 year old blanked him when she came here and the 24 year old hasn’t acknowledged it.

I messaged them to tell them of my current health concerns, again only the 21 and 17 year old acknowledged my messages, the 15 year old didn’t reply. I asked the 21 year old to let her sister know, as I’m unable to contact her (I didn’t say that bit) but had no message about that either. Baring in mind I had breast cancer 5 years ago, health is always a concern to me.

I’ve said, as hard as this is as a mother, that maybe I need to step back and hope in time they come back to me. As a mother, that is hard, but I need to think of myself too.


There’s a photo sub category for Furry, fuzzy and scaly friends, so yes you can post a pic of your puppy! :slight_smile:

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I have no trouble getting to sleep, it’s staying asleep is my problem!

It’s a vicious circle, because then I’m so tired I’m falling asleep at 9pm, then awake half the night.

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Thank you, I’ve posted, just waiting on approval!

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Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you manage to get through Christmas without feeling too low. We are all here to keep you smiling though :slight_smile:

As someone who has suffered some bad periods of mental illness and counselling I just wanted to say hey. Christmas can be a tough time mentally but we are always here to listen :heart:

So sorry to hear about your situation @Rhilee, I really wish you a speedy recovery, and hope things get better for you soon, sending many hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you all of you for your kind messages. I will get through this, I’ve been through worse! The counsellor asked me if I’d ever had thoughts of ending my life. I said no, but I do often wonder what has to happen in order for my kids to wake up and realise they have to stop this. Xxx

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