Pander to me! .. PRODUCTS ONLY

Lovehoney can’t/doesn’t respond officially to this thread for business reasons. If they say “oh that’s a good idea, we will go and develop something” their competitors will see it and try to get in their first. Likewise, if they give a hard no, their competitors may chose to stock such products to lure customers away. Even having this thread in the first place is a bit of a risk.

In any event though, unless you are asking for something specific that Lovehoney are already going to stock, sourcing products and getting them live takes a lot of time. Even if Lovehoney like the suggestion, they may not want to respond with “that’s a good idea, we will look into it” because they might not be able to stock the request and if they keep repeating “we’ll look into it” and rarely can they actually deliver, then the statement loses all meaning.