Pegging any good for the girls ?

well, i hope there's enjoyment for the naughty girl who is doing that. my wife has a vibrating stap-on that makes her cum all the time when she is riding me, i'll let u know wot its called when i find out ;)

Thank you Lubyanka. I could look back and be a bit bitter but someone saved my life, I'd never actually be ungrateful or complain about medical professionals seriously. It was uncomfortable but it was neccessary. Most doctors I've met treat you as a machine, its understandable and I'd hold no grudge against those with good intentions!

When I mentioned the mental aspects I was also referring to my earlier post concerning my perception that I view penetration as exclusively a male thing. So, if I were to see my girlfriend with a strapon it would be a huge turn off not exclusively because I don't want it up my bum! But mainly as I percieve it as 'manly' and I like my girls quite 'girly'. A confident women is highly attractive to me, but not in that role.

It is my way of thinking that prevents me from doing it more so than any particular thought.

WandA wrote:

Thank you Lubyanka. I could look back and be a bit bitter but someone saved my life, [...]

When I mentioned the mental aspects I was also referring to my earlier post concerning my perception that I view penetration as exclusively a male thing. [...] But mainly as I percieve it as 'manly' and I like my girls quite 'girly'. A confident women is highly attractive to me, but not in that role.

It is my way of thinking that prevents me from doing it more so than any particular thought.External Media

You're welcome WandA. I hear you.

Since you feel that being penetrated is only for girly girls, I guess that means you'll have to stop taking it up your digestive tract like a girly girl by doing all that feminine stuff such as eating and drinking. :p

ps: Don't mind me, I've got a thing about being pigeonholed based on other peoples' ideas about what genitals I was born with. I know this is my issue and not yours, but I couldn't resist chucking it in there just a teensy bit, sorry! ;)

Don't worry about it, I like people to be individuals but having strong identities gives me purpose! i enjoy being able to live up to others expectations as it makes me happy! I have certain responsibilites that are come with being a son/lover/man etc.

I would'nt 'pigeonhole' people in such a narrow sense. I wouldnt group people in to groups, Id create groups around people. I'd never say someone isn't a man because they take ip up the bum! There's then a new group of manly men who like to be pegged!

People group/classify and label things. It what we do as a species to help make sense of the world. Nature does not label creatures, we call them mammals, bugs, rodents, fish etc.... everything is made of the same stuff but we give them names. It makes evolutionary sense.

If a girly girl liked to peg then she wouldnt be a girly girl anymore she'd be a girly girl who pegs, therefore in a seperate group. If there is a girly girl who likes to peg then she's not in the group I find attractive as I wouldn't be able to make her happy in that respect.

I know all this labelling might sound a bit facist or controlling but I genuinely believe it's what we do. I see no harm grouping people with very similar interests as long as they are free to also be in other groups. It eventually just comes down to stating facts. The harm is when you judge people based on these groups.

It's not the pigeonholing into groups thats a problem Lubyanka, it's that those groups are too restrictive and often incite judgement. As far as I am aware, all i know about you is that you are a women who likes to peg! You surely cannot object to that . I as well as you, would have a problem with someone who said you are a women who should not like pegging. Its the large group and judgement that is the problem.

This might seem complete rubbish to you! But I study Philosophy so I'm used to chatting about shit! I hope that makes you feel a little bit better as it is not your issue it is some other peoples.

I get DOUGHNUTS??? cool!!

Anyway I have another OT comment, once had to have a vaginal exam and she THRUST her fingers in. Lubed but my god was it unpleasant. I thought that as a female doc she should know better but obviously not. Still makes me wince thinking about it. So I hope you can stay away from docs now WandA.

This indeed seems to be very popular. I wonder when the boom happened.

I remember a tonne of strapon porn starting to appear on various sites a few years ago. Strapon sites started popping up all over the place too! I've been wanting to try it ever since but have yet to have a chance.

i have always wanted to do this but more of a girl on girl thing never really thought about doing it to a bloke but now i think this sounds like a great plan! im going to have to see if i can action it!!

I agree vanguish. Same with the move to anal in porn, I know the law changed in 1996 for it to be legal between hetrosexuals but it did seem to explode in porn and then become the norm. I suppose it's a novelty and that's a big seller because porn can be so repetitive. And when people see and hear about it, they try and so it becomes bigger and bigger.

hi everyone, im new to this, we have just bought a strapon so were gona try it when we receive it, is there any best position to do it in or is it just like male to female and any position works.

Hi Millsy. If you go to the top right of the screen there is a search forums heading. Just click on this and search the forums as I'm sure it's been brought up before.

And welcome to the forums!


thanks for the reply sg69

I also love doing my bloke with a strap-on, I find it the ultimate turn on ,doing him from behind for a change.
Plenty of lube works best and we like doing it in Doggie style for better penetration

Just to add some balance to the thread - I'd find it the ultimate turn off, I totally don't get the attraction, I also know my hubby wouldn't be remotely interested, thankfully.

I'm completely dominant in everyday life and I love handing over that control in the bedroom, perhaps that's why I find it so weird and unappealing ( I'm trying very hard to be polite here as my feelings against it are a lot stronger than that).

If it's your thing, then fine, if you both enjoy it, no problem, I'm just fed up of reading/hearing how all women secretly want to do this or all men secretly would love it, more like a tiny percentage of either sex, I would guess. I also wonder how many couples liked the idea of it far more than the actuality?

I don't care if I'm narrow minded / repressed or whatever, I don't have to try something to know I wouldn't enjoy it

I don't think we can assume that it would only be a tiny percentage who like it Lara but I get that it's definitely not for everyone. I think this thread reflects the pro view most because this subject is not much talked about and so this thread obviously attracts people who are interested. I think it's one of the threads I've written most on and that reflects that it really interests me. Whether I do it in reality is different, but I've enjoyed expressing the desire here. Don't worry about expressing that it's not for you, no one is saying you should be into it!

4 years ago if you'd mentioned it to either of us we'd have been with you Lara. As time passes by, experimentation and general curiousity make us push our boundaries further afield and I was surprised to find out just how good prostate stimulation was. My first proper orgasm from one of her tiny fingers was simply earth shattering. Pegging was just a logical progression which it turned out she loved too. We were both a little unsure to start with, but midway through our first session I looked back to see a glint in her eye that showed just how much she was enjoying herself.

Opinons/likes/dislikes change given the situation. I'm sure not every woman has the desire to peg a man or that every man would enjoy pegging but I think as people become more sexually aware (with high street sex shops, the internet, badly informed tv programming etc.) more people are going to try these things.

I also agree with Imelda, here you're likely to see the pro view expressed more, as lets face it, some of us come here a lot! (please no puns on that one [yess you tallboy!])

I used to be completely disinterested in loads of erotically based activities, until I tried them with special people who totally broadened my horizons about them. I had no idea how I'd feel about using a strap-on until I tried it. I had no idea how intense an experience it would be. I can say the exact same about sex. Before I experienced sex, I have to say that I had no idea how amazing it could be. Even after I experienced a lot of fumbly beginner sex, I had no idea until I experienced amazing sex with an experienced, considerate lover. So I have learnt that one activity with one person can feel totally different when I do it with a completely separate other person. For example, a pelvic examination from a medical professional is nothing at all like getting busy with my vagina with somebody I care about. Just because both activities involve my vagina doesn't mean they are all going to feel alike. So for me, the activity itself is almost irrelevant, and my response is entirely about the individual person.

There are certain things I avoid because I know from experience that I have certain strong unpleasant emotive responses to those activities, so I give myself permission to set limits on those. But for other things, I prefer to try them at least once with a person I like and trust before deciding that I hate it. :)

I know exactly how I would feel if I tried it , because the very idea of it repulses me so much, as does the idea of swinging, or being encased in a rubber mask , or locking him in a chastlty device, it's simply not in my genetic make-up to do it.

I've even gone as far as showing my husband your writings on prostate massage and he still isn't remotely interested, even in my finger or tongue up there, he isn't turned off by it, just doesn't fancy it at all. That's fine by me, in the very unlikely event of him changing his mind, I'd be happy to oblige but I could never use a dildo or strapon on him , it would be emasculating him in my eyes. Blinkered and silly to some, but it's how I feel.

I can't understand / wouldn't want, your sexual way of life anymore than you can understand my / want my, boring , one partner all my life, 25 year marriage, I don't feel like I've missed out on anything by not being more adventurous or having other sexual partners - I could never want another man, or indeed even imagine sex with anyone else - my love for my husband, and his love for me, is all encompassing and sacred, we are for each other's enjoyment alone.

I love being fucked with a strapon by my female partner-brilliant!!!

I have also read your writings Lubyanka on protrate milking and found them very informative indeed so thankyou for putting the effort in to bring this in depth month long effort out there for people to learn from. I must say. I/we will be definitely giving this a go as my OH wishes for me and I her to experience as much pleasure as possible during this short life we lead!!

So long as it causes no harm to anyone and in the search for pleasure we will give a hell of a lot of things a roadtest.

The world would be a boring place if we were all the same! Each to their own . . .and all that!

SG69 x

Lara no one's saying your lovelife is boring! Don't worry about it. If it's not for you, it's not for you. Hell I think my non-existent sex life is the most boring right now!

imelda, i cant believe you have a lack of lovelife, you are frigging gorgeous!! And have such a beautiful body too xxx