Penis pumps

Hi I am thinking about getting a pump for my member and wanting some advice I know won’t make my knob bigger in the long term but does it increase size while I’m using and how long will this last for after use so I can use on my OH also I am just under 7inch when erect so will I need a bigger size


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Hey @Pmcgc84

I own two penis pumps, the Bathmate Hydromax and the Optimum Series Automatic Advanced Smart Penis Pump, from your post I would imagine your looking for something more along the lines of the Optimum Series as this doesn’t require water, so could be used in the bedroom before sex and/or during foreplay.

Reading your post though it suggests you are looking for more of a short-term, quick gain as opposed to working on your length/ girth overtime. My experience with penis pumps is that the length/girth increase immediately after pumping is rather short lived. Generally the pumps are designed to be used for continuously over many months to achieve a more long term gain, I have never been able to hold a return for long enough to even get close.

Although it is a pain to use as it requires water, I do get a much stronger pump from the Bathmate which gives a nice increase in girth and a little extra length however like I said this doesn’t last for very long.

Depending on your reasoning you could also look towards other solutions if it is just for your own satisfaction perhaps a pump and/or cock ring would work, if your OH want’s the extra size then perhaps you could look at penis extenders, different positions or combining toys.

Wether you buy a penis pump or decide not I would advise getting a tight cock ring, I find ones with a cock and ball loop to be more constricting, providing you get a snug fit. It will help lock in your pump for a little longer and even without pumping it will give you a fuller erection.


Anyone interested in Penis Pumps, I always pop a link in to @ToysRusDevon 's My bathmate has arrived! And I’m gonna do a progression blog as I think it’s a really informative blog.

I don’t have any experience of them myself and my OH has never used one but I think, like @JustSomeFun says, they are more for progressive use rather than instantaneous results.

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If you decide to go for the bathmate I would definitely recommend going for the 7-9” size, as mentioned above there’s a link to my progression blog which I did totally open about the results and what did and didn’t work

I have tried the manual pump that was about £20 and an electric one which was around £70. Either helped me with my ED. You certainly get bigger during pumping but with me I instantly lost the erection when removed. People say cock rings also help maintain the erection but I could not get on with them.


I have took the plunge and going to give it a go along with some cock rings see if it works as have read a few articles claiming using a pump with a cock ring can make your member bigger due to increased blood flow and harder for longer using a cock ring so will see if works obviously will go back to normal size once flaccid

Ideally you should get a cock ring which you can stretch over the end of the penis pump then, when you’ve pumped to the size you want you can slide the ring over the base of your penis before you remove the pump. That will hold your erection more efficiently than removing the pump then fitting the ring.
An adjustable cock ring may be worth a try.

Yeah that’s what I was thinking to try see how it works

If its 7" erect, do you need a pump ?

I’m glad I found this thread, I was looking at pumps thinking the effect is like those pussy pumps longer lasting, Think I will just stick to my cock strap.

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Can be an interesting experience if say you’re riding a butt plug then you cant play with it whilst its got the sleeve on ?

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