Sorted, I think. We plan to be writing a LOT of reviews in the near future as we’re buying loads of stuff at the minute.
@MyDeviantVirtue - neeearly sorted but not quite. At the moment your user profile is still hidden, so nobody can access the list of your reviews (when you eventually do the reviews ). To quote @Ian_Chimp:
Unchecked and should all be visable now. Thanks very much!
Just to add, you don’t need your profile to be Public for the Testing & Reviewing side of things, Brenna can see Hidden profiles with her magicness.
However, if you want us to easily see your stuff as well, then you may want to open it up. Mine’s public, so you can have a browse of that to see the sort of things it reveals.
Much appreciated as ever Ian
No worries. And just to check, you’re Hidden but you know it?
No actually, I didn’t realize at all! D:
Then you might want this snippet.
Cheers! Got it fixed now. Quite the forum wizard you are
Is this you?
Though you haven’t set up a Sex Toy Tester wishlist yet. Have you read through Review for Lovehoney - All you need to know!?
You do indeed. You may need to go over the info again a bit more closely.
You should be able to find your own community page from your main account:
@Jameskb I can see that your reviews are now linked when you click on your profile
I’m finding the “Set up a sex toy tester wishlist” thing baffling, and I 'm wondering what it is I’m not understanding. It goes like this…
If I want to be considered as a possible tester, I have to set up a wishlist called “Sex Toy Tester” and (according to the instructions I’ve read) place in it only those items that are currently available for testing on THIS PAGE:
On that page, item 4 on the list of things to do says " Title your wishlist ’ Sex Toy Testers ’ and add toys from this page you would like to try."
…but the only item Brenna currently has on offer for testing and for which I could offer a useful review (i.e.the Blowmotion masturbator thingy) ISN’T on that page. So I presume I’m not allowed to add it to any Sex Toy Tester wishlist. It’s all very Catch 22!
Your profile is Public (which is good, though not strictly necessary for testing
Your community page is linked in your Profile
Your tester list is called ‘Sex Toy Testers’ and is public
It should only have items from the Tester List on it.
For the Secret Testers (eg The Blowmotion) you only need to comment in that topic, not add it to your Tester List. Most of the time the secret testers won’t have a product page as they won’t be live on the site yet.
@PleasureDrone testers on that list change frequently and Brenna does post and let us know when the items change.
There won’t always be something suitable for you and if there’s not, leave your wish list empty.
You can create as many other wish lists for yourself as you like.
Testers that Brenna posts about on the forum are generally secret testers and a separate thing
Aha - Thanks @Ian_Chimp and @MsSubExperimenter. Didn’t realise that the Blowmotion thing was a secret one. Righto.
I haven’t set up a tester wishlst yet. Best go and so so, then. I’ll leave it empty for now. Don’t really fancy testing a mug. How DO you test a mug?
All the ones that have their own Topic on the forum are classed as ‘Secret Testers’, though occasionally they’re actually already live but need extra reviews.
Fill it, pick it up by the handle, drink from it?
You filthy swine! I’m all for consensual kink, but there are some things…
Sorry I didn’t realise these messages were here. That could be me. I had trouble setting up the account. What’s the best way to resolve?