Position of the Week - Vote for the Winner!

The results of Round 40 are in… :drum::drum::drum:

Poor Side-Saddle has been cruelly unseated after just one win. :slightly_frowning_face: Which means Lazy Leg-Over is the Forum Christmas favourite, with 83% of 35 votes :balloon::partying_face: :christmas_tree:

And so Lazy Leg-Over grabs its first win, and has earned itself a toehold on our Leaderboard. :clap: But that’s no assurance it can go any higher. They’ve been falling like flies recently. Has Lazy Leg-Over got the staying power to claim New Year too? Let’s find out. :slightly_smiling_face:

:partying_face::bell: Round 41 :bell::partying_face:

This week our Dildobot dice roller :game_die: has gone with position 49, The Voyeur. :confetti_ball:::tada:

So, up next is The Voyeur from August 2019 against Lazy Leg-Over from a few weeks earlier in July 2019:

Which will win…? You decide. :slightly_smiling_face:

Winner: Lazy Leg-Over Go to: Round 42

:lh_heart_grey: You don’t need to have actually tried the position, you can judge it based just on the image (or the fuller description below). And if you do end up trying it, or someone says something in the comments that changes your mind, then you can always pop back and change your vote (while the poll is open, of course). :slightly_smiling_face:


(You can click on the arrow in each quote header to expand them for the full info, and if you click on the image when expanded you can see it full size)


And the winner is… :drum::drum::drum:

Lazy Leg-Over
with 74% of 27 votes.

And so Lazy Leg-Over goes through to the next round! :tada::trophy: