Positions of the Week

:lh_heart_green: Lovehoney, 23 Jul 2021
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The Handshake

Take a moment to face each other and have sex with each other’s hands. Believe us. It may sound strange, but the benefits of getting to know each other in this intensely intimate position are explosive, to put it mildly.


Stand facing each other and position your hands so they are about 2 inches away from your partner’s crotch. Let your bodies come to each other’s hands as opposed to your hands taking the lead. You’re essentially having sex with each other’s hands.


It feels exhilaratingly different and creates a super-intense connection with your partner thanks to the face-to-face, upright positioning and the fact that your bodies are making the call.


Introducing toys that are designed to fit in the palm of a hand provides an extension of the notion of having sex with your partner’s hand. A pebble-shaped clitoral vibrator is perfect for all-encompassing external stimulation, while a handheld stroker with internal textures could be just the thing to transform each thrust.

Make it even better

Give those pleasure-hungry nerve-endings in the anus a little treat in the form of a butt plug, while your other hotspots are lavished with attention. Either or both partners could wear a butt plug in The Handshake position to help enhance orgasms.

Not the position for you?

We’re working to make sure that everyone is represented on our website, regardless of who you love, so we’ll be using a variety of gender depictions in our Position of the Week posts. This will include straight, gay, lesbian, and gender neutral couples, but all positions will have details in the description of how to make them work for your own relationship dynamic.

I tried it and I…
  • Loved it :heart:
  • Thought it was fun :smiley:
  • Didn’t get on with it :woman_shrugging:
  • Broke myself :face_with_head_bandage:
  • Voted by accident :man_facepalming:

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