Prostate "Super Orgasm"

I had an Aneros before. Was very good, didn’t get an orgasm but I was literally shivering and moaning

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So, the attachment I got doesn’t fit the wand I got​:sob::sob:. Really want something now my heart was set on it. Has anyone tips on manually? Never tried

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I’m still on the search for the hands free but I keep coming up against the same problem (if it is a problem) with toys rotating when inside meaning the business end of the massager or toy is moving away from the prostate! Is this something anyone has experienced? Is it a problem or the body’s way of dealing with a foreign object to make it easier to push out?

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Also any tips on technique using a massager? I’ve tried different approaches to Kegels to get things moving as these toys arent really designed for thrusting (though that’s what’s got me closest when using a dildo rather than massager).

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So finally, I got some time to myself this afternoon! A few weeks ago I bought this prostate massager and got round to using it for the first time today.
Quick Bit of background, I’ve tried massaging my prostate with my fingers and although it’s felt nice, it’s flipping hard work!
But this…. THIS!! This is the biz!
Once you’ve played around with it for a bit, and managed to find the right angle, depth etc, the feeling is incredible!
The pressure it creates is amazing. I only used it for 15 minutes the first time, which was nice, whilst lying on my back.
The second time I did it in the shower obviously standing up…. Oh my gosh. Hello!! Now we’re talking! The pressure was more than before, and within seconds the amount of pre cum I was producing was unbelievable - it was literally dripping out as if someone hadn’t turned the tap off fully. Can’t wait for my wife to give it a go on me and see the impact.
I did have one moment where my whole shaft, and balls continuously twitched for about 5 seconds which felt amazing. I’m very much looking forward to spending more time on it, with the hope that I’ll get that almighty p orgasm!
I’ll keep you posted


Ever tried “sounding” a Rosebud sound can give you quite a nice feeling as the end moves through your body?

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Maybe it’s the warmer weather but I’m feeling determined to get another one of these. I’ve been playing off and on in the shower and the wife and I have incorporated prostate toys two or three times during sex, but I think I need to be more mentally prepared to get this feeling again.

I have been feeling so shy and kind of ashamed of wanting to try this stuff over the last few years when I began to take interest in it, but my wife has been super supportive and this forum has also been a wonderful confidence boost. I think I want to try starting our next round of sexy time with p-spot stimulation and maybe give my wife full control and try to just lose myself with what’s going on.


Sounds good mate! Embrace the thought, no shame or judgment over it and enjoy the process!
High five for supportive wives! Mine is a bit weirded out by it but she’s willing to try it for me when I asked her about it so we’ll see.


Yeah there’s no shame in it whatsoever. If we weren’t meant to do it, it wouldn’t feel so good. And if the Mrs is supportive then I say go for it, there’s a lot of guys doing this that don’t have such support. I’m fortunately not one


This thread has been going for a year - I have read from top to bottom more than once. There are a bunch of things I can relate to and others I can’t. One of the mentions discussed couples play and as much as I try to get Mrs. Val to penetrate me anally, she really won’t do it. I will even guide her hand to work my ass with her finger and I think she has a mental block with going there.

She does not enjoy anal stimulation and I think her having kids and tearing there from pushing them out has destroyed the concept of anal play possibly giving anyone pleasure. Thus I think I may have to go it alone.

Now we do have some couples toys that I have used on myself when I have been able to steal 30 minutes of playtime. I have two kids and a busy work life. Between that and Covid, I can’t sit and have a whiskey by myself without being bugged somehow let alone stick toys in my ass! I digress…

We have this T-bar vibrating butt plug, her Mantric G-Spot vibrator, this glass dildo and a bullet vibrator. Sounds like I could use a couple more tools in the tool box but probably should be able to make this work.

So coles notes on achieving this is:

  1. Don’t touch penis
  2. manipulate prostate (not “prostrate” as that means something else and reading prostrate sort of bugs me…) by gentle and shallow insertion and milking the prostate with an up and in motion, back and forth
  3. Get self aroused with other visual means but hands off the dick
  4. Vibrate or no? Seems like different things work for different people. The Mantric unit fits in me as I have tried it. The glass unit is a different story as I can’t get the second nub into myself as I can’t stretch that far. The T-Bar vibrator is a very basic insert into self and have other sex for a great orgasm, but not really for this purpose I don’t think.
  5. Leave it be? Work your ass with it or leave it do the work? I think that leaving it inside you and simply vibrating won’t do much other than turn whatever is in your lower intestine into liquid. I gather you need to find the spot and gently work it slowly.
  6. No dick play… be patient

Will these work or do I need something else to find this Holy Grail you speak of?

Thanks for all the comments and the generally overall fantastic posts!


Yeah your point about keeping your hands off can really help. Conversely others find it helpful, perhaps edging beforehand.

Vibes can be great, but can be numbing over prolonged periods. That said I just got the vibrating Aneros.

In terms of the toys you have, I’d be going for the glass one, we have one great toy. Could be used a bit like the Njoy wand, just put it in one or two beads and let it feel good. Then maybe move it as slowly as possible a millimetre or so.

I find a Aneros is great if I’m struggling to get any playtime in, as I can put it in when I go to bed and just being plastic it doesn’t make any noise, other than my stifled moans. My fave is the MgX trident. Can be used with silicone lube. With these just do nothing but breath deeply and focus on your prostate.


I like the summary haha!! :joy: Good luck!! Do ask us on this thread if you have any questions and once you’ve done it once you’ll unlock the secret to be able to keep giving yourself dry full body prostate orgasms again and again and again… :grinning:


You want the build up of pre-cum to get so much from being so turned on and massaging your prostate so much that your body just has to have the dry prostate orgasm to release all the built up sexual pressure! Does that make sense? My best technique for avoiding the wet postate orgasms is to slow down, 100% make sure to not have that wet prostate orgasm, then once the feeling subsides I go faster again and honestly, that’s usually when the dry full body prostate orgasm takes over. Also I found one helpful link about men orgasm. It’ll be helpful as I see.


I can sympathize with the struggle of finding time to do this, which I feel makes it all the more frustrating because I end up feeling rushed to try and make it happen when I know it’s not a quick thing. I’ve only done solo stuff in the shower this year and sometimes it’ll feel really awesome at first and I can feel my body start to buckle/quiver as I’m standing but it usually only lasts for a minute or two before I lose that sensation, again because I feel like I’m on the clock.

I’m not normally open with my masturbation habits. My wife is aware that I do it from time to time, but I’m not one to just whip it out and start pleasuring myself in front of her. That said, I think my approach to a p-spot orgasm may be different and that I’ll actually give her a heads up that I want to try and make that happen so that she doesn’t awkwardly walk in to the bedroom while I’m in the middle of trying to get off. Heck, she might even want to watch or join in :crossed_fingers:.

As for your OH, it’s a bummer that she’s not very interested in it, but you definitely need to respect it. My wife has stated that she doesn’t really have an interest in having her ass played with, so it’s just off table. That said, sometimes people change their mind about stuff (as I have with my own ass play). In fact, once upon a time the two of us sort of organically started rimming each other for a period of time. It just happened while 69ing, but after a week or two she told me she didn’t want to do that any more (give or receive) and so we’ve never done it since. I think you’re definitely onto something with the potential trauma of childbirth (my wife also had a tear), and I myself get really anxious whenever one of my kids have a poop accident, so that’s something I’m sort of working through myself oddly enough. But again, she may surprise you one day! For example, my wife is fine with my filming and taking pictures of her, but it was a pleasant surprise when she requested to be filmed the other day so that she could have something of her own to watch later on :hot_face:

Best of luck, man. Thank goodness for this thread and all the support here :raised_hands:


I‘ve tried this technique out again recently with the Njoy Pure wand. Nice description, btw! Very handy!

For me the smaller end (for safety more than size really) goes in about halfway and hooks in behind the prostate for the best feeling, and it‘s super easy while lying on my back, to gently rock it back & forth and also tug it slightly upward so the end drags nicely across the prostate.
After edging out 4 dry orgasms this way, I had a 5th that was mindblowing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::star_struck::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
The whole half-hourish session was enhanced by a bit of slow teasing with a couple of sleeves to alternate between prostate & penis. So I guess I was edging on two fronts!?
The 5th wave felt bigger and more intense (though it built slowly and steadily over maybe 30-60 seconds) and I finished with a quick and firm bit of sleeve play (using the Tenga Flip Zero ), for what I guess was a ‘blended’ orgasm.
Several minutes of warm rushes and blissful joy later, I felt super calm and elated, and on a high for the rest of the night.

I’ve had plenty of really intense standard (penis) orgasms before. I’ve had plenty of ‘wet’ p-spot orgasms too. But this was different. The prostate stimulation built a huge wave of intense warmth and pleasure, that I’m absolutely sure wouldn’t have led to ejaculation by itself. But the fact that I was wearing the toy, and hard, and ready to be brought back up and ‘over the edge’ was a massive bonus :heart_eyes:

Anyway. Thanks for the tips. It’s good to know bigger and better is possible! :raised_hands:


Ive found that keeping a vibrator on the underside of the penis generates an ejaculate that seems to be a combination of pre cum and urine… it is a pleasant sensation.

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So I had the house to myself a few days ago and decided to try and get off. I set up a towel on the bed, got some water-based anal lube, and started with a p-spot vibe. I was able to get some nice sensations and some pre-cum flowing, but it stalled out after a few minutes.

So then I went and got my LH steel wand and switched to an oil based lube and…nothing really. So then I went into the bathroom and got my LH remote controlled p-spot toy (I think I need the vibrations) and got some of the sensations and pre-cum again, but ultimately nothing but a little mess from back there, which just kills the mood for me :sob: :tired_face:.

I tried being hands off but I think I need to be more erect, as the one and only time I had a p-spot orgasm was when I was watching some porn to keep me hard, and I seem to recall reading somewhere that having an erection can help make your prostate gland easier to hit.

So frustrating. Pretty sure I’ve said this before, but I feel like I can somewhat empathize with women who find it hard to get a g-spot orgasm. Like, I can feel an initial sense of pleasure but then, poof, I lose it and it’s a struggle to find the right spot and then it starts to feel like a bit of a chore instead of fun.

Part of me is considering getting an aneros, but them I’m afraid I’ll just have one more toy that doesn’t seem to get me there.


A lot of good tips in this thread. I’ve been trying to decide on either the Mantric PSpot or the Fifty Shades Lavish. The sale is good on these right now. Anyone ever use either of these?


Hmm I don’t think the aneros would make it easier to reach a prostate orgasm (as it is actually a more difficult prostate sex toy to master). It sounds like you’re doing everything right, you (from my experience) definitely don’t need to be erect, but you do need to be in a turned on mood (I think the prostate is very similar to the female sexual organs in that you need to be in a sexual mood in order for it to work).

Also, how long are you spending? It can sometimes take upwards of 20 to 30 minutes! And you will only get there if you 100% relax yourself, be 100% immersed in the moment and not have any worries in your mind, which includes the worry of thinking “am I going to make it there or not” so enjoying nudging yourself closer and closer towards what feels amazing is much better (and will likely lead to the prostate orgasm) rather than trying to purposely get to the prostate orgasm, if that makes sense?

The LH steel wand should do the trick, you’ll get there don’t worry! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the support! The last session was probably in the neighborhood of 20-35 minutes, maybe a bit longer. The one and only time I had one I think it probably took closer to 45 minutes, so I guess I just need to be more patient and approach it with a different mindset. And thanks for the tip on the aneros, sounds like I’ll hold off on it for now and work with what I’ve already got.