I think either way @Justthe2ofus2007 you really need some police advice over this situation. He can’t be allowed to get away with telling you how to conduct your life.
My advice here would be to seek professional advice. You can speak to police or seek legal advice just because you feel something might be breaking the law. It’s the legal system’s job to look into the specific circumstances and decide if it qualifies.
I probably should have led with that.
I imagine that this may not be uncommon? Is there a website/resource available for cam workers who have found themselves in a similar situation?
I’ve tried searching for one and I’m not able to find anything. There’s no information about this in any of the conduct rules on the site I use. The best they can offer is to contact site support if you’re getting abuse.
There definitely should be one though.
I think if he was going to do what he said he is going to do, then he would have done it already. He wants to make you do what he wants you to do, take it all down and stop working. He knows that The minute he tells your mum, he’s got no leverage on you to make you do what he want’s. All he get’s is to hurt you, and it sounds very much to me that it’s stopping you working on cams that he really wants, because he’s had this guy telling him what you do, the guy is likely ribbing your brother in-law over it. that’s why he’s wanting you to take it all down.
The best way to beat it is to takeaway his leverage; I know what you said about your mum, but if he does do it anyway at least you got in there first, and he has nothing else to blackmail you with to get you to do what he wants.
@Justthe2ofus2007 - I know you’ve explained that your mum isn’t an easy person to deal with, and that your relationship with her is complicated, so forgive me if what I’m about to say is way off the mark, but…
If this person is set on maliciously outing you to your mum, the first thing I would do - and quickly, like NOW - is go visit your mum and tell her straight all about the perfectly legal adult entertainment stuff you and your husband do to pay the bills and keep the kids fed. Then tell her about your brother in law and his work colleague and the whole “I’m going to send videos to your mum” blackmail/threat thing.
How she reacts is up to her - I’m not pretending for one minute that it’ll be easy - but by doing this, you will take ownership of the situation and will pull the rug from under the threat.
And yes - report your brother in law’s work colleague to the police.
@Justthe2ofus2007 Not much to add really. It must be awful this on top of everything else.
I would go to the police. No question and no delay.
I would not be sitting waiting on them making the move, call the police now.
They’ll take their phones off them because it was sent to them from someone else.
It is in the sites terms and conditions of use that copying the content providers content without their permission is copyright. Nearly all sex work web sites have that. One or two now use it as their site so the site can prosecute.
So I may be reading between the lines, and I may be way off about this, but it almost sounds like he’s bitter about something; almost like a child that throws a tantrum when you say that you can’t have a treat after dinner. Has he (your brother-in law) propositioned you by chance and now he’s mad because you turned him down?
If he asked you for sex or a hookup and was rejected, that would explian why he might try to smear your name to try to protect his own (even if you had no intentions to actually put his business out there).
I realize if this is true that you didn’t mentione it (or I didn’t see it) so of course, please do NOT share anything that you don’t want to share.
Just kinda seems like a possibile scenario that he didn’t get something he wanted from his “hot sister in-law” if that makse sense at all.
I removed my “withdrawn” post below to simply add this comment here as an ‘edit’ and not unnecessarily spam the thread.
Bottom line is you are being abused, intimidated and manipulated. It will only progress if not stopped now. You need official assistance and guidance on how to handle the situation. I really hope you get a satisfactory outcome with as little stress to you and your own family.
@Iwill I fully agree that this is an issue requiring legal and/or lawyer assistance.
@Justthe2ofus2007 Thanks for clarifying. Theory accuracy percentage by justanotherkinkystraightguy = 0%
Just a thought on Iwill’s note, I think it would be a really good idea to start documenting everything that’s taken place so far. Include specific dates and times as best as you can remember. If you have the means of verifying a date/time for sure (ie looking up call/text message dates & times), do so. Don’t just give your best guess.
Electronically save, and also print if you can, all supporting evidence. If lawyers or the law get involved, they’re going to ask you for this stuff and you’ll want to be ahead of the game.
Edit: Some things to document:
-Phone calls, emails, text messages
-Social media posts
-Full names of everyone involved in this situation, on both sides, and how they are involved
-Threats made
-Use exact quotes in phone conversations as best as you can remember, don’t paraphrase
Edit2: Almost as if you were writing a journal, write/type out how all this went down. It will be good to have this for your records.
Well done @Justthe2ofus2007 , that was a brave step but I think the best one you could have taken in the circumstances
Good for you @Justthe2ofus2007. You took the situation into your hands and owned it. It is your life and no one should tell you what you can and can’t do.
Your brother in law needs a massive boot up the arse for what he tried to do to you. It’s absolutely disgusting.
I hope that now you’ve told your mum things, you all can move forward
Why did you delete them? Can your lot restore them, or do you have copies of them to reupload?
WELL DONE, you brave and wise soul. So proud of you!
Hi @Justthe2ofus2007 I am extremely sorry about what has taken place with you inlaws I have been buy and not made my usual contributions so just read the thread . I hope you are resolving the issue and do know the back ground hun your hubby knows what you do and with the proceeds going to better your life and hopefully will support you through this difficult time with his family . Good luck hun hope it gets sorted hun your still in our thought
@Justthe2ofus2007 you have control now, make sure your brother in law knows that, but still contact the police as him and his mate need to be brought to justice.
That is awesome @Justthe2ofus2007! I’m SO happy to hear it went well for you! (contacting you mom) Yay for something positive going right for you!
I am so proud of you
That’s the best news I’ve had all day.
You’re right, mum doesn’t need to know the details.
I’m so happy that she took it way better than you expected, but we always expect the worst!
Big hugs - stand strong and be proud of you for standing up against the bullies (so called family)
Hey @Justthe2ofus2007. I’m reaching out to some of the people and threads that I’ve been following the past few days. Hoping you were able to finish out the weekend well.
Just a reminder we’re here for you. At least as much as we can be. Sincerely wishing you the best