Rant Thread - Get it all out here

Oh god @ChloJakes I really feel for you! We lived next door to the family from hell for 4 years. We had constant problems with horrendously loud music, their kids chucking bottles and assorted rubbish in our garden and driveway, wandering about in our driveway, swearing at us ( kids and adults!) bashing a football against the fence constantly and they had two dogs. They hardly ever cleaned up after the dogs, they let them poo in the garden and would then have a mass clear up of the poo every two weeks or so! As you can imagine the summer’s were awful! I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I couldn’t have taken much more. Every day was a totally misery.

We ended up having slanging matches with them, calling the police, the council got involved, we asked other neighbours to back us up over it all but no one wanted to get involved. Thankfully the housing association eventually, after years of me complaining moved us out. It was one of the happiest days of life when we finally shut the door and drove away!

So, no you’re not the bad neighbour at all. They should be keeping dogs under control and not letting kids wandering around on other people’s property. Maybe now you’ve said your piece they’ll stop letting this happen, I hope so anyway. It only takes one out of control family to ruin a nice peaceful neighbourhood.


Re-posting as something went wrong and it wouldn’t edit out!

We had scumbags next to us a few years ago, they didn’t work, but would be lying in bed shouting at the kids " Just effin get yourselves up and fed, i don’t care if you wear an effin tutu, just eff off to school" The kids were between about 5 and 8!
Fortunately they soon did a moonlight flit!
hen there was the cannabis farm a few years later! Fortunately we have decent neighbours now!

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It’s the asterisks. Wrapping a word/sentence in ** ** is the formatting for bold.

*italics* italics
**bold** bold
***italics and bold*** italics and bold

You can ‘escape’ them using \ (one in front of each asterisk), or use something else to represent the missing letters instead. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Thanks Ian, i think i will just use “Effin” in future! :slightly_smiling_face:


Crikey @WillC, that must have been horrible, living next to edited like that.

Sorry to hear that @wildflower, sounded horrendous.

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I’ve lived and worked in some very rough places over the years, one place I worked a guy came into the office downstairs and threatened to shoot one of the managers, the whole building was locked down and the surrounding area with armed police everywhere.


Yes, they were appalling parents and people.


Just walking around listening to the way some parents swear at their kids, it’s a disgrace.


Thanks @Knight1119 This was back in the 1990’s but it still makes me angry to think about what we had to put up with. Oh they used to swear at their kids too, the youngest was only about 3! Some of the things they called the kids were frankly shocking, I couldn’t even repeat them here! I’m no saint and yes I swear but I’d never use language like that on my children.


I am currently in the process of trying to leave my abusive/homophobic family home while simultaneously being very unwell and waiting on tests at the hospital. As well as dealing with my usual severe depression and anxiety. I am so incredibly worn down physically and emotionally and I desperately wish life would cut me a break for once. It’s just one thing after another.


So sorry @Queerantine. I’m not sure there is anything I can say to this except that I’m thinking of you. I hope your situation improves x


Very sorry to hear that @Queerantine, I really hope you’re ok, take care.


@Queerantine big cwtches. X


Sending big hugs @Queerantine :hugs:


Easy for me to say, but hang in there, @Queerantine. Look after No.1 and keep your sights on the horizon. Never stop believing there are better days to come… :heart: :hugs:


Sorry to hear you’re struggling @Queerantine, wish there was something I could say or do but just know we’re here for you :heart:


So sorry to hear that @Queerantine Just hang in there I know it’s easier said than done, but keep looking forward, hold your head up high. Sending hugs :hugs::heart:


Hang in there @Queerantine xx


Thank you everyone for all the well wishes. It’s very lovely of you all. I’m doing my best to pull through. It’s all very stressful and I’m trying to take it one day at a time right now, but hopefully things will work out eventually.