Remote control love egg/vibrator recommendations?

Can anyone suggest recommendations for a good remote control vibrator/love egg? I know the We Vibe and Lovense are supposed to be great but I’m looking for one with a manual control as opposed to using an app. I know the Desire Luxury love egg has great reviews. I also love the Mantric range so I was looking at that but I think purely for aesthetics but I want good performance too.

Personally I love and since 2014 have not felt the need to upgrade or change my Fifty Shades Relentless Egg. Ticks the boxes you are after, no app, just handheld remote (but one that is rechargeable not requiring batteries). Got it in 2014 and still works perfectly in 2021 so full marks for longevity too!

Here is My 2014 review if you want a read.


Ive got the desire one (remote not app version) and i really like it. Very comfortable to wear, as great rumbly vibes that can actually make me cum. Patterns are also good if you like them. Not something for a quiet room or restaurant but you can get away with the lower settings some where with a little background noise i feel (pick a nice loud movie or somewhere with a live band and you are probubly fine). Hard to test this as its just me, also cant say how the remote was from distance sadly, but it seemed fine to use.
Cant for the life of me find my review, im sure i wrote one. Might have disappeared into the ether.


We have the Lovehoney brand remote egg and she loves that it’s waterproof and fun for bath time

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Oh that sounds great. I’ll take a look. Thanks @Peitho :blush:

That one looked good but I would prefer one a little quite although I know that’s not always possible.

The reviews are probubly better gauges of noise as they always sound louder when your the one using them and i dont have anyone handy to check sound levels for me sadly

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I should say, we’ve used the fifty shades one out and about quite a bit (pre Covid!) and on nights out in bars etc. never had any problem with noise… it’s not silent though! It is probably not what you’re after in a quiet romantic dinner situation.

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