At the risk of sounding very thick, am I reviewing in the right place?
I’m reviewing on the main website from my previous orders by clicking on the items and scrolling down. Is that right? I’ve reviewed and verified, do you get a notification when they’re published, or do they just go on? Do they then link to this website or do I need to do anything extra?
You’re not being thick; smart people ask questions, stupid people assume they know everything
It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Your reviews will need to be approved, then you’ll get an email on the email you used on your review to tell you that your review is now live. As long as you aren’t using a different email for your reviews to the one you use on the forum, you’re good to go.
As @Tenshadesandme said, it sounds like you’re doing it correctly. Once you’ve submitted a review, you usually get an email asking you to confirm your username (this usually goes to my junk email so check your spam!). Your review will then be checked and hopefully approved (they won’t modererate your review for being critical but they do check that it’s not inappropriately graphic or offensive). It should then appear on the website. It might be taking a bit longer than usual at the moment if lots of staff are on holiday.
The reviews don’t link to the forum so if you’d like to add your review to the forum, you can copy it into this thread from the website.
I second this description of events. I’ve never received a “your review is live” email - just the “please confirm you did submit this review” and then they usually show up on the item page a week or so later.
Agree with @LRLRL you don’t get an email to state that your review is live, it only confirms that the username wrote the review and when you click ‘confirm email address’ you getba msg saying the review has been sent for moderation. If you’ve done all that, then make sure you’re changing the filter on reviews to ‘newest’ and your review should be there if its been checked already. Festive holidays may cause delays though.
As others confirmed, sounds like you’re doing it right! (as long as the email you enter there matches you forum account email). The only way to know the reviews are live are to check the product page and see if your review is listed there in the reviews - make sure to sort the reviews by ‘newest’ (that’s a mistake I made early on and didn’t see my reviews, by default they are sorted by rating 5 stars show up first, then 4 stars, etc.)